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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Politics has always been is currently a game of the least offensive though. Every can candidate will have things they give you and things they take away. If your two choices are between “I will genocide” and “I will genocide even harder” it seems wild to me to help the second one win by abstaining from the first.

    Oh and the second one doesn’t think women are people and thinks climate change is fake.

  • This is the kind of thing that seems good on paper, but in practice it alienates anyone on the outside of it. If you’re born into a low credit score (i.e. born poor) you’re automatically at a disadvantage. No one will lend you any money because you have a certain score, which in turn means you’re never given an opportunity to improve your score. When credit scores start including rent payments, I’ll be open to seeing it as equitable.

  • I’m in favor of it because it helps everyone involved. There is no one that tipping is bad for.

    Uh… what about the people actually paying the tip? How on earth is it beneficial for the person paying more money for the level of service they should be getting regardless? How is that extra $3 more important to the server than to the person losing it?

    All wages are paid by consumers.

    Yes, indirectly, not directly. When I buy a burger at McDonald’s, the corporation takes my money and distributes it across all their expenses, including employee salary. If they distribute it so poorly that they can’t afford to give their employees a living wage, then frankly they don’t deserve to be in business. Tipping is just subsidizing the corporation’s expenses by allowing them to pay you less, then guilt-tripping the customer because the poor employee doesn’t get paid enough.

    People will go to restaurants less, more restaurants will fail, fewer people will work as servers, and they’ll work longer hours

    I don’t get the argument that restaurants would fail if we abolished tipping. If a burger right now costs $10 plus a 20% tip, why would customers be afraid to buy a $12 burger outright without the tip? You get paid the wage you deserve, the employer charges what they need to meet all their expenses, and there’s no hidden guilt trip for the customer. And if the business can only stay afloat by underpaying you, then good riddance.

    You can see this played out in countries that do not tip - and also with jobs like catering that generally do not focus on topping for service.

    So you’re advocating for all jobs to switch to a tipping model? You must be since you say it’s inherent to fair pay and good service right? Or do you personally get to gatekeep the jobs that are deserving of tips, and coincidentally it’s just the one you happen to work in?

    What won’t happen is the restaurant owners themselves won’t be paying servers more from their own pocket.

    But they will because there’s a federally mandated minimum wage for non-tipped employees. They’ll make the same minimum wage like everyone else (insufficient as I agree that is). You’re fine with some industries getting minimum wage, you just think you personally deserve more

    most points are just completely ignorant of the reality of working in a restaurant and the rest seem like they’re specifically designed to manipulate you.

    Someone’s being manipulated alright but it’s not the consumer trying to pay the listed price for the product/service. It’s very telling that you think expecting a fair wage from an employer, the payer of the wage is manipulative.

    I don’t think I’m gonna convince you of any of this so I’m just gonna back out now. I hope one day you learn to redirect your frustration to the cheap ass boss who thinks an hour of your sweat is worth $2 so he can keep the other $8 (edit:) and stop shaming the customer who’s probably struggling just as much as you.