• 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Bro have you seen Alfred fight?

    The problem would not be Alfred losing, it would be stopping him from plugging the Joker like an out of charge phone because he has made very clear that he does not share Batman’s distaste for firearms.

    This whole discussion is itself a metaphor, the people who are the most worried are the ones who understand the least about who they’re talking about.

  • That opposing force is the sheer amount of desperation people are putting into chasing voters to the polls

    There isn’t an opposite manifesto because the opposition to Project 2025 is a big tent coalition of several groups that in a proper democratic system would be entirely different parties.

    It’s a beast with 20 heads that all have to agree to make any significant movement in any given direction, and so all that this monster can agree to do right now is to keep keeping the other guy out and hope a resolution comes in the process.

    Only sometimes one of the heads decides to be a privileged little twat and not even agree to that, and then gaslight everyone else about how they all made the twat decide to let the worse guy win.

    Anyways the point is someone would have to beat down the egos of a lot of big names to unite the democratic coalition enough to put out a counterproposal to Project 2025.

    You probably could do it too with enough being the biggest most confrontational douche ever seen in the DNC to literally everyone until you’ve successfully bowled everyone else over and browbeaten them into line, but congratulations now the only thing they’re more united about than The Project for All is how much they all hate you and want to ruin you so they can all go back to being the petty lords of their sub-partisan fiefdoms.

  • These should really all be connected by HSR to the major cities and centers in this country

    Would cut down exponentially on car pollution, grant easy access and advertising to less known parks and putting up improved park hotel infrastructure at the stations can give most folks the satisfaction of having been there while also handling any induced demand it creates.

    Plus you can use bargain “rail-trip” tickets to redirect people from the big name over toured parks to multiple parks at once that could also use some public love and attention.

    Or shit you can make the rails themselves a hotel with special sleeper cars that route to give the guests as nice a rolling view as possible.