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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • There are always things people have in common. More-so today with the accessibility to media provided by the internet. That said being a friend to someone isn’t about checking a bingo card of similar interests. It’s about listening to their experiences and being interested.

    What do people watch on tv, what are they listening to, where have they vacationed recently, did you hear about xyz happening in the news.
    Kids. People with kids talk about their kids.

    Some of that might overlap with your experiences, some of it won’t, it doesn’t need to. You just need to shoot the shit, hear what they’ve been up to, say what you’ve been up to, and enjoy doing it. Maybe do an activity of somekind while your at it, maybe just eat dinner.

    The age range is just when people get busy with life and have less free time to actually do things. So they have less to talk about. Work becomes their lives. That changes eventually, wait another five year period. You get settled in your career and your focus shifts more towards what’s going on in your actual life.

    You should look up ‘speech communities’. It’s a linguistic anthropology thing. Essentially boils down to ‘people talk differently and about different things depending who they’re talking to and where’. In your case you want a group of work friends to talk about work topics with, separate from your group of childhood friends, who you can talk about non-work topics with.

  • Lol, shitty business man does shitty at business, blames it on his not-customers. Sell me a product bitch. I ain’t fuckin sold on an overpriced pillow. Let alone his overpriced pillow. How many competitors this mother fucker have? It’s a goddamn saturated ass market of fucking pricy pillows. Where’s his marketing? Where’s his diversification? How often are people buying pillows?
    This asshole made a fucking niche ass product for a niche ass market and then went on a fucking midlife crisis rant bender about some conspiracy bullshit.
    Maybe that was his hair brained idea of marketing. He wanted to sell his pillow to crazy tinfoil hat fuckers. Mother fucker made his niche market even nicher. Maybe he mistook niche for Nietzsche.

  • Reading through these comments is depressing and my only hope is that I will be dead before the droughts lead to food shortages that effect me. I like eating, I like eating good food, I like having good food available when I want it. I don’t like being hungry. I hope I’m dead before I have to deal with starvation. At least nuclear war would be quick.

    Megaprojects are a pipe dream. We can’t even deal with a lowball pandemic together as a nation. What hope do we have of coming together as a world? Let alone for something that isn’t going to have immediate consequences slapping us in the face. We’re a pathetic society that can’t do anything good. All we do is consume. Mr. Smith was right, we’re a virus.

    We’re heading for a post-apocalyptic sci-fi future, and all the horrible shit that goes along with it.

    In a fucked up way, our only hope is if a mega power somehow dominates the world through some horrific war and consolidates power, while somehow avoiding nuclear war and then does a quick 180° straight into eco-fascism. That’s the glorious future we have to look forward to. Life under a global authoritarian regime with severe austerity measures to deal with global warming. People will starve, people will be executed. The horrors of Stalinism will be our reality, and it is the only thing that can save us from ourselves.

    I fucking hope I die, because I wasn’t built for suffering.

  • I guess it’s kind of technically not referring directly to racism. They are technically white people who are also technically nationalists.

    Nationalist - “a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.”
    -the google first result definition

    White Person - “White is a racialized classification of people and a skin color specifier, generally used for people of European ancestry, although the definition can vary depending on context, nationality, and point of view.”
    -the google first result definition

    So you could have people who were nationalistic for other reasons, such as economics, manufacturing, self sustaining infrastructure, military power… who also happen to be a white person.

    For the sake of argument, semantically, not wrong.
    It should be noted that a nation is not a race.

    The fact that there are a significant number of racist white people who call themselves white nationalists just ruins the term for the rest of the white people who are also nationalists without the racism.

    I assume Nazis like the term because they support a “white nation” and are not treating white and nationalist as two grammatically distinct terms. Kind of a racist double entendre.

    Just another example of Nazi’s adopting something and ruining it for everyone else.

  • NetHandle@kbin.socialto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneParking Rule
    1 year ago

    Mega-Lot 1, a 100 story hellscape of crumbling concrete and rebar. Each level is ruled by a different gang and they are constantly at war. Child soldiers and suicide bombs are a norm. The basement is a tent city full of addicts and those that prey on them. The parking attendants are somehow more corrupt and dangerous than the gangs. Your parking pass costs you $2000 a month, it doesn’t guarantee you spot, and owning a parking pass is a stiffly enforced requirement of vehicle registration. Escaping the parking lot each day is a mix of luck and bribes. It saves you 5 minutes off your two hour commute. Being late for work is an indictable offence with a minimum sentence of 15 years manual labor, performing maintenance on Mega-Lot 1.

    Edit: spelling

  • I guess there’s the idea that all press is good press. People who didn’t know reddit existed now likely do and they might just check it out to see what the hullabaloo is about. They might not even be internet savvy enough to suspect bot conversations are a real thing.

    It’s a website that gets paid in traffic, and we’re giving people a reason to continue being traffic, and potentially increasing their traffic. We just fed the machine.

    The best thing we can do is just stop using it. Making the protests fun is only going to help reddit. They’re not negotiating, they’ve made their decision already, they’re not going to back down on it and even if they did some decisions have consequences.

  • I’m going to offer an alternative.

    Steam lets you streamplay games from your computer to another computer.
    Your phone is a computer.

    You don’t like the built in controls for a phone.
    You can pair xbox and ps5 controllers to androids phones with little to no effort. Not sure about other phone OS’s, and quite frankly, not my bag baby.

    So now you have a controller hooked up to your phone, and it’s channeling games from your computer over wifi.

    Never had a cause to try it personally, but I might just do that and come back to confirm it works.

    Might save you a couple bucks for your kids college fund.

  • I think there’s a problem with people wanting a fully developed brand new technology right out the gate. The cell phones of today didn’t happen overnight, it started with a technology that had limitations and people innovated.

    AI is a technology that has limitations, people will innovate it. Hopefully.

    I think my favorite potential use case for AI is academics. There are countless numbers of journal articles that get published by students, grad students and professors, and the vast majority of those articles don’t make an impact. Very few people read them, and they get forgotten. Vast amounts of data, hypotheses and results that might be relevant to someone trying to do something good, important or novel but they will never be discovered by them. AI can help with this.

    Of course there’s going to be problems that come up. Change isn’t good for everyone involved, but we have to hope that there is a net good at the end. I’m sure whoever was invested in the telegram was pretty choked when the phone showed up, and whoever was invested in the carrier pigeon was upset when the telegram showed up. People will adapt, and society will benefit. To think otherwise is the cynical take on the same subject. The glass is both half full and half empty. You get to choose your perspective on it.