Lol. Fiber. Probiotics… modern medicine really is still in the dark ages.
Lol. Fiber. Probiotics… modern medicine really is still in the dark ages.
The reality is that it isn’t rich vs poor. It’s media attention. Most of the time a rich murder gets more media attention which causes higher ups to commit more resources. But if the murder of a poor person got the same media attention, it would get more resources too. The issue is they don’t have the funding to commit the reasources to investigate all murders at what you and I would consider a reasonable amount. So they have to hold back until it is a high profile case.
So while the overall effect is the same. The root cause is different. It’s really that the people accept it and don’t vote for decision makers who will fix the funding issue. Of course it would take more than funding to convert the police force into something that could perform at a level where they were thoroughly investigating all crimes. But noone has the stomach for the bill, so it doesn’t matter.
If you think we collectively don’t put a price on life consider speed limits. Nearly no one dies in accidents where cars are going less than 30mph. Yet there is no law limiting the building of cars that can go faster than 30. The reason… commerce. The current speed limits on the roads are based on the point where deaths cross over a line of acceptable vs the impact of commerce.
A pile of shit… literally. I have IBS, so there is always more shit just waiting for the wrong time. Aside from that… extra clothes, see above. Lol
I’d say it will be nearly impossible to get an objective jury that also represents the defendants peers.
I remember at jury duty how they spend a lot of time telling us that we have to decide if the dependant broke the law specifically. Implying that we aren’t suppose to decide if they deserve punishment. But I am pretty sure that isn’t in the constitution. I think a jury should consider if the law is just. I believe you can get a mistrial if a jury member admits to such a thing.
But the reason many voted for him, or simply didn’t vote at all was because the traditional poloticians weren’t helping either. Kind of a “banging my head against this wall hasn’t worked, let try this other wall.”
I’m going with I don’t advocate for violence, but I also won’t condemn this use of it. If I knew a better way to attempt to cause change, I would advocate for that. But it is hard to argue with the result. (Anthem reversal)
I was thinking earlier… maybe all the lessons in the saturday morning cartoons were really intended to keep the masses from fighting back. I mean, no, the good guys don’t always win in the end. And cheating sure as hell does payoff. They want the masses to take the high road. While they tunnel through anything in thier way.
So while I am sure the expense per person is more. Expense for rich murders vs poor murders is probably the opposite simply because of the difference in quantity.
Personally I prefer assassinations over random killings. Cause no one cares enough to assasinate me.
I wasn’t already, but I am now.
While I hate changing clocks like most people… I don’t see how this is efficient. Think about how many devices already assume the clocks will change. It will cost billions to make the switch.
Agreed.There were no real consequences when he wronged normal people, but taking power from congress… they won’t put up with that shit.
Infinite target selection…
Nah, cause the intent is to make more money. Just happens to be by making customers more comfortable, which also just happens to be by adding moisture to the air. See, it’s a law designed to do nothing. Florida tax dollars hard at work.
Gotta try right? But seriously, they have already started pushing back on some of his cabinet picks. And when there was talk of recess appointments, they pushed back as well. So they are already showing that they don’t intend to be steamrolled.
I think it’s fair to say if there is a way, it’s a corner case. Like maybe one of Elon’s many kids turns out okay and ends up inheriting a few billion.
Unlike the saturday morning cartoons from when I grew up… evil pays.
Yeah, both were really spending other people’s money that they got through fraud and such.
Yeah, I heard a news tidbit on the radio about a fox news interview with a republican where they basically said no way to allowing this. And the commentary was that the party knew the question would be asked, and so did the congress person. So they were well prepared for it. And that it was essentially them making a clear statement on the subject.