
  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • Gomer was a victim of the intense mind crushing subjugation that the drill sergeant enforced. Wreaking his self esteem, crushing him with guilt and getting him hated and hostilized his fellow recruits. He just snapped, he didn’t show any sign of resisting or trying to resist. Just a difficulty of performing his duties. Whether he would like to or not is uncertain, but he didn’t show that he wanted to change anything, my reading is that he jsut wanted to get by, and he did not got his wish. He got broken and snapped, and it is not clear his intention while on the bathroom, he might have opened fire into his fellow recruits, or anything else, he loaded a whole lot of bullets. He just snapped, so I don’t think it was meant as a heroic act, for as heroic it might seem as consequence to the drill sergeant’s action, he was someone driven beyond his limit, in a desperate action.

  • I’m not really a social media person anymore I was a Facebook user up to 2015 or something and now I’m just YouTube user and lemmy since I’ve found it like something like an year ago, and my journey through communism is a recent one as well, add to that that I live in Brazil, and that’s how I dodged this and most every right wing meme and even communist ones for that matter

  • They do have war with Russia and Korea actually, Ukraine is as sure as day a proxy war of the US and Russia, and Korea there is us troops by the boatload in South Korea, and since they are in armistice they’re aiding in the war. Iran true they are not in any conflict right now, at least not open and same for China though the US has all that noise with Taiwan that who knows where it’s gonna land.

  • I think this type of question is much too premature, we are strggling with how to create a persistent revolutionary organization in Latin America, and before we see the answer of that, trying to answer how said organization is gonna succeed is little more than guesswork, which is fine, if understood as that, imagining some possibility of future can be useful, but it should not be used as a map to be followed too closely for we don’t know for which type of vehicle we are charting the map yet.

  • As @LarkinDePark said you are not a super hero, you don’t have to carry that burden on your back, the fact that you’re here on grad looking to inform yourself, is already a very big step, you are concerned and revolted by the situation of the world, good, actually very good. Keep finding means to provide for you and your family, and if and when you have more available time or money, try to figure out good ways of organizing, see if there are any collectives around you or something like it. Because in my eyes the best thing comrades everywhere can do is to work on the revolution on their own land, however far it is. The deaths in Gaza and Congo, the deaths by hunger and disease are not gonna stop no matter how many individual conflicts we solve, capitalism will keep killing more and more in the most varied ways. And that is sickening, you have that right, but our job is to group up with people round us, and help people around us, and share our knowledge with people most hurt by this system, to offer them an alternative. So in the future, even if we don’t know how far in said future, we along with the masses revolt and take down our opression. And then the world will have another force that will stand against future Gaza and Congos and whatever new horrors capitalism comes up with.

    Just know comrade you’re doing your best, I’m proud of you, I applaud your indignation with the situation, but first you need to take care of you and yours, and your mental health. Once you can take a breather you think about heeding the bulk of my advice, cause we don’t want you to break under overwhelming pressure, we want you as happy and motivated as you can be, then you’ll be much more productive to the revolution, just know that you and your family matters, even if horrible things are happening elsewhere you folk still matter. Do what you can comrade, just not at your own expense.