• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • MarlKarx@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlToday: the clean SS Tomorrow:
    9 months ago

    “okay but have you ever considered how bad the soviet union was?? Like im not a Nazi or anything but they did kinda have a reason to genocide Jews because a lot of soviet politicians were Jews and wanted to genocide Aryan Ukrainians to further spread the cancer of judeo-bolchevism.”

    -Some lib on reddit who is definitely not a nazi sympathizer

  • Im from a well-off family and both of my petit-bourgeois parents are hardcore liberals who who hate china and bite into every US propaganda campaign. And thats how i grew up, me and my dad used to have the same political views “china bad, russia bad, americans stupid but still better than than the rest and our succdem system is the best system blablabla”. My father is a very political person and thats why i early on got interested in politics and got recommended alot of political content on my social medias. For a long time, all the politics i engaged with were senseless identity discussion with brain-dead Trumpists and i remember always getting angry when people pointed out the atrocities committed by the US empire as that would imply that the US and therefore us as a whole (US and the EU or the “west”) are bad. These useless discussions sucked the life out of me and just made me tired the entire day so one day i decided to simply not care about politics anymore…i didnt really care about who are the good guys or who are the bad guys which also meant i didnt care if the US is bad which opened up a way for me to take information and history in from a other perspective. Thats how whenever i saw some history clip or documentation calling out the US for its war-crimes i simply went along with it and thought “hm maybe the US isnt that good but i dont really care” to the point where after some time i realised: “wait…the US is SHIT and not for the reasons i thought”. Having realised how the big brother USA is bad, it made me question my own media i saw on national TV and Radio which all always were pretty Western-centric and pro USA and made me notice that it is nothing more than western propaganda what we are being fed. Knowing this is researched History from non-western perspectives, that eventually led me to bit by bit have more socialist-ish views until where im now, a ML

  • i understand, ofcourse i dont expect everybody who lives in a socialist country to be fully blown theory reading tankies nor do i believe that cuba is a socialist utopia free of criticism. The cubans should have the right to criticize their country but ofcourse, for many that includes criticizing the ideology the party follows, especially a party that has been in power since such long time. I didnt want my post to seem as if i dont support the opinions of cubans or their right to criticize their governement…what i wanted the focus to be on was more how many (not all ofcourse) of cubas problems stem form embargos and sactions emposed on it by the US and how they practically foster anti-socialist sentiment among the people rather than the people organically opposing a government that atleast had the chance to develop in its own pace without a imperialist force right next to them making life hell. Again, i apologize if i said something derogatory about the cuban people or cuba

  • It is true that we can change our environments and therefore our material conditions but these man-made changes are again caused by material conditions leading to people changing their environments. That’s how history is and always has been, a cycle of material conditions influencing people to change their surroundings whose material conditions will cause other people to change their surroundings and so on…the question is what was the initiator of this cycle, was the man who made the first change leading to a change of material conditions or the material conditions which led the man to do the first change? I would say its the second as we, from my atheistic point of view, are results of nature, of millions of years of evolution. We did not always possess the ability to change our world how we want it, those who were born adjusted to their environments would survive, those who were not, would die…we, for a long time, had no say over our survival or nature but due to a chain of environmental changes, we started to develop bigger brains and the ability to analyze and use our environments to our advantage. First the material conditions allowing us to to gain the ability to change our material conditions came. We now are not anymore slaves of nature, of selective survival of those who are adjusted, we are now developed enough to help those in need, those who would not survive…we (mostly) have surpassed these harsh realities making us masters of our destiny, not letting us be dictated by forces we can harness. We have the power to save this planet or destroy it how it currently is under global capitalism. Primitivism, Conservatism, any form of regression is not and cannot be the answer without it undermining our social and/or technical achievements made.

  • portugal, a “social-democracy”, isnt doing much better with its increasing privatization of national industries and growing wealth gap of the poor and the rich…all supported by the, i kid you not, “socialist party of portugal”.

    Shout out to the cuban doctors tho, my entire family in portugal is getting treated by cuban doctors as portugal lacks medical professionals because people with degrees keep emigrating from portugal to go somewhere where the wages are better.