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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Kyle@lemmy.catoCurated Twitter@sh.itjust.worksDrink up
    4 months ago

    As people age, their thirst reflex tends to diminish or reduce. There are a few reasons for this:

    1. The hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates body functions like thirst, becomes less sensitive to changes in the body’s water levels. As a result, older adults do not feel thirsty even when their bodies need more water.

    2. Kidneys become less effective at concentrating urine as one ages. This means older kidneys lose more water during the process of filtering and eliminating waste from the blood. However, the reduced thirst reflex does not signal the body to drink more water to compensate for this loss.

    3. Levels of hormones like vasopressin, which help the kidneys conserve water, tend to decrease with age. This further impairs the kidneys’ ability to retain water and increases the risk of dehydration if fluid intake is not sufficient.

    4. Physical changes like loss of muscle mass and a slower metabolism reduce the overall fluid needs of the body. But the thirst mechanism is not adjusted accordingly, leading to inadequate fluid intake if one relies solely on thirst.

    In summary, age-related physiological changes in the brain and kidneys undermine the body’s ability to sense dehydration through thirst. This is why it is important for older adults to drink water regularly, even when not feeling thirsty, to maintain proper hydration.

    In a personal note, at 40 years old, in noticing this effect already.

  • I used to think that as well.

    But I took the saying “adopt and shop responsibly” to heart and looked up what a responsible breeder has to do to be considered one.

    Genetic tests determine if the dogs have known genes that cause diseases. If one of the parents has a recessive gene for a disease that won’t express in the pups because the other parent doesn’t have it, you can keep dogs that have desirable traits like excellent personality, lack of anxiety and general health in the gene pool—helping to maintain genetic diversity while not passing down a disease.

    The kennel clubs (CKC) have started helping to reduce inbreeding by keeping track of the lineage of dogs and avoiding inbreeding by calculating the coefficient of inbreeding. The COI is a metric used in dog breeding to measure the level of inbreeding in a dog’s pedigree. It is an excellent tool for an institution that used to inadvertently encourage inbreeding because they created standards. Can more be done? Yes, is this a step in the right direction? Yes.

    It’s worth noting that genetic tests don’t know everything, they might only test for a handful of the 20,000 or so genes and we don’t know what all genes do, and some genes are benign in some breeds and dangerous in others. This is why x-rays and elbow and hip assesments of the parents are still important. It’s also why meeting the parents of you puppy is important. If you don’t like them, you won’t like their pups.

    On top of that epigenetics massively impacts the behaviour of pups. This is especially true if the grandmother of a puppy had a happy stress free life. Yes, we now know that improvements from nurture not just nature can be inherited. Dogs with happy lives produce happy dogs.

    A responsible breeder will have done all of this, as well as done early socialisation and desensitization for the first eight weeks of the pups and many more considerations like limiting the amount of times they use a dam. These tests and assessments would have cost them around $10,000 for the dam and sire.

    I wrote this insane response because if typing this on a meme educated one person who might get a dog, then the world is just a little bit of a better place.

  • Just because your parents have dogs doesn’t mean they can offer a safe environment or know what to do with them. All the changes and the environment posed for your dog are incredibly stressful for the dog. Please be compassionate that your dog is going through more than you even though you literally broke your leg and probably experienced the worst pain in your life. Changes in living situations are the biggest adjustments for dogs ever.

    Please don’t listen to people suggesting anything with the word dominance, pack mentality, wolf study, punishment or anything forcefull. All of that is guaranteed to make things worse.

    A certified trainer (CCPDT and the various acronyms associated, the dog academy, anyone force force free) will get you on course faster than any website or book.

    If you want your dog to make it out of this, your dog has to be a priority, make it your part time job.

    My quick advice if you can’t afford a trainer and will only look up free internet advice from strangers:

    Start with giving them something low value to chew on in a distraction free room. Have 10 minutes worth of super high value treats. When they are chewing the low value, walk up to them and give them the treat. Let them chew on the low value again. Repeat. Try for 10 minutes at a time. Adjust value of chew and treat so they don’t react when you walk up to them.

    Next session, If they start wagging their tail when you approach. Try making it harder by taking the item for 1 second then, give them the treat then give it back. Ramp up duration or value of chew and items as progress is made

    All of this has to be a happy and joyful affair. You are using a happy and friendly puppy voice the whole time. The dog has to feel good about this the whole time. So make sure you and the dog are in as good of a place mentally when doing it. This will all be harder if the dog doesn’t have other prerequisites like a leave it or drop it command.

    There are so many ways you need to modify the above strategy for your particular dog that I can’t stress enough how valuable you’ll find a certified force free trainer to be. A vet check might also be suggested by the trainer. I think my advice is barely scratching the surface of what to do and how to do it, I haven’t even met your dog so what do I even know? Very little!

    If you need proof that force free methods are a way, the AVSAB statements are quick and easy to read with tonnes of source citations: https://avsab.org/resources/position-statements/

  • Kyle@lemmy.catoRisa@startrek.websiteWhen is season 4 anyway?
    8 months ago

    Expanse did it well too. There is a character that uses different pronouns, and people just used the right pronouns for them. Thats it. Boom representation achieved.

    Now I get that trills were used to stealthily start trying to get trans and gender queer screentime in a very hostile 90s era.

    In discovery, Adiras coming out had to once again be aided with the framing of the trill.

    Adira had to loudly declare their preferred pronouns in the deep future when all of this was supposed to be no big deal.

    It would have been so intelligent if they were just called by their pronouns and were just treated like any other character.

    I understood the writers managed to get a coming out story that a lot of people can relate to. But in the future people should just be, and not need to come out.

  • Kyle@lemmy.catoCanada@lemmy.caIs this true, Canada?
    8 months ago

    People who love coffee brew it themselves. They don’t need to endure long lines and wait for some poorly treated minimum-wage employees to burn it for them.

    I suspect coffee preferences, whether someone makes it for them or not, might be down to whether their place of work is conducive for even making coffee. Perhaps there are socioeconomic lines as well that divide people. Do most people feel the need to have their coffee made for them at a fast-food establishment?

  • I can’t remember who said this in the show in Universe; maybe Janeway? But I think a similar question was posed, and the answer was that nobody would have anything to do if exploration was entirely automated. It’s fun and exciting and gives people’s lives meaning.

    My headcanon is that many mundane things are automated, and we don’t see them because they aren’t plot-relevant.