Won’t work. Something about the acidity or something.
I’m the king. Of jalopies.
Won’t work. Something about the acidity or something.
Can we split California? Northern Cal just seems like it should be Canadian honestly.
I don’t have any sadly. This was long before smart phones and she passed away very young.
In refining 2ED8BF:FADDAD (Dranesville) in 00h 03m 28s 451ms I have brought glory to the company. Praise Kier. 8️⃣4️⃣9️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ 7️⃣2️⃣1️⃣5️⃣7️⃣ 1️⃣5️⃣4️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ 6️⃣7️⃣9️⃣7️⃣5️⃣ 0️⃣7️⃣7️⃣6️⃣3️⃣ #mdrlumon #severance 🧇🐐🔢💯 lumon-industries.com
I had a dog that had one pointy ear and one floppy ear. She had epilepsy. I named her Bender for obvious reasons.
There’s actually another backup in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It’s half scale size of one of them so you could say it’s ¼ scale. The weirdest part is there is an art sculpture in front of the building of a giant black cloud and on one side it has people and then on the other side towards the building it has a bunch of airplanes that get continuously less and less organized as they go down. I lived there for a long time before I realized that that sculpture was installed well before 9/11. It’s also installed in a thing we called the center of the universe where there is an acoustic anomaly set up in the cloud has a giant knocker on it too that you can make incredibly loud booms with. I wrote up a big conspiracy thing about it long time ago somewhere on Reddit LOL.
Edit for those curious, here is the write up I made on Reddit years ago about this.
Ironic coming from a site that expects me to pay to read that
I’ve heard good things about their products
Don’t give a fuck just as long as I’m eating
I’m quite literally sitting on one as I read this. Been trained to do so since day one.
I never liked arrested development either but I can tolerate it better than tpb
Any marvel movie. I just do not get the appeal. The only people who like it seem to like it way too much. Most of them are also grown ass children.
Kill Bill. Boring as fuck.
The Crow. I refuse to elaborate.
Pretty much anything from Kevin Smith except Mallrats and even that I’ll admit was dumb but I liked it as a young teenager.
Deadpool. Juvenile humor from the king of “I’m in a movie because I’m unbelievably charming”
Not a movie (well maybe there is one?) but I absolutely hate The Trailer Park Boys. I just don’t get it. It’s not funny, at all. It’s not my thing at all. I’ve been hated on for this opinion but I don’t care, it sucks.
On that same note, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Same reason tpb sucks to me.
Lord of the rings. So boring.
This thread is fun though. I enjoyed reading everyone’s opinions, especially those I disagree with.
Rubber is a masterclass in film making. We watched a fucking tire and it was entertaining as fuck.
The book was def a fun light read but the movie couldn’t even legally approach the same level of fun as the book due to licensing bullshit. It could’ve been a fun movie, and if I’m being honest I enjoy watching it from time to time, but it could’ve been so much better.
I’ll help you row that boat. My music theory teacher in high school fucking hated them and spent a good amount of time explaining why they sucked lol
In five billion years The sun will explode It’s in the bible It’s a fact
And no one will know That we were ever here It’s a fact It’s a fact
So rest assured in knowing That what you do don’t matter Some one can do it better anyway It’s a fact
-the vandals
Eventually. Assuming we eat them raw.
Oh man, I fall asleep all the time listening to his YouTube videos lol. Never seen him referenced before.