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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Yeah, but, like, did you consider it from the dino’s point of view?

    Because I did

    But on a serious side, most of the people working at Jurassic Park (in the first one anyway) were mostly just neutral people on a good/bad scale I suppose. Except Hammond. Even Nedry (sp?) was just exploiting his exploitative boss (underpaying him).

    I don’t know how much of a point was trying to be made, but there’s definitely an underlying theme of capitalism forcing what could be a questionably ethical scientific project (bringing back extinct animals) into fast-tracked, hyper-capitalist, “just pay experts to come and rubber stamp this shit immediately so we can make money” disaster.

  • I think the issue here boils down to this:

    Many pro-Palestine people (in the US or west generally) were totally unaware of Israel’s Nazi regime and ideology until last year. This isn’t me shitting on them, it’s just the truth. Most westerners who have no ties to Islam, Arab culture or regions of the world, or Palestine, will never be exposed to anything approaching the Palestinian perspective.

    They developed empathy from the months of seeing the full and total destruction brought for Israel for no articulable reason.

    For westerners (who are majority white people) Israel is this thing “over there” filled with people who act a lot like they do, but aren’t really as white as them, so they’re different. It’s also a different country, ostensively fully separate from the US (of course those “in the know” know this is just surface level. For all intents and purposes Israel is just another US state that could and has been controlled as such in the past, but the current admin isn’t interested in controlling Israel)

    It’s easy to condemn the actions of a foreign nation. It’s harder for indoctrinated, nationalistic (even if they don’t think they are!) westerners to condemn the United States (where most of the anti-Venezuela bullshit comes from). Most Americans, and even many who call themselves leftists, are incredibly guarded in criticizing the US. I don’t personally understand why as I was born/raised in here, in the American culture, and I shed any of those feelings as a teenager. I have no idea why others continue to be dumbass nationalists, but, 🤷‍♂️

    This results in them having a cognitive division or whatever you wanna call it. They can see through the Zionist propaganda. Israel is an evil nation doing incredibly evil things to a captured population. It’s all out there and easily seen and absorbed because “who the fuck is Israel? Fuck them! I have no allegiance to that state.”

    But for Venezuela, for uneducated people, the same who never heard of Palestine in 2023, there is no such clear cut divide to see. Well, there is, except for the important difference that they live in the evil state. They live in the equivalent of the Zionist entity propagandizing against Venezuelans. They live in the imperialist nation crushing Venezuelan independence. And just as the Israeli is raised to never question their media and state, the American is raised the same way.

    Why would they ever question the narrative that permeates the media, social media, everything at all times? Mix in a dash of residual Cold War/Red Scare “aren’t they evil communists?” and of course it makes perfect sense that most Americans are ignorant, purposely ignorant too often, on topics like Cuba or Venezuela or China. Fuck, “foreign policy” in general. They are the fully indoctrinated population and it takes a lot of introspection, education, and willpower, frankly, to fully break that barrier. Even then, it’s so easy to slip back into pro-US narratives.

    I don’t think it’s empathy per se. It’s the exploitation of inherent human empathy, sure, I suppose. That’s how propaganda works (or one way anyway).

  • He has strayed far from God and unlikely to return

    Probably tempting to cut off your sister and him, but I’d offer another path that will make him much more miserable. If they have or end up having kids… slowly radicalize them. You can probably start young but gotta be careful because kids will just say shit to their parents. But once they’re in high school there’s a lot of opportunity to just expose them to all sorts of shit that their dad will hate them learning. Probably the easiest thing to do though is be active in politics, belonging to organizations that do things beyond like reading clubs (which are good too), and have your future niece/nephew maybe go along, see stuff, be the cool counter to their asshole dad, and yeah.

    Not much else to be done besides… well, I shouldn’t say that. Anyway. Oh, by the way!..

  • Where can I find US-Americans, where this cliché from the Soviet Union about them, don’t apply so easily? Or am I dumb and don’t see them, because the annoying ones are _so_ annoying that it is easy to notice them?

    You won’t. On lemmygrad/hexbear and adjacent related places, sure, but we “self-hating” Americans are effectively zero percent of the population. It’s safe enough to assume most Americans you encounter online will have some reactionary opinions, incredibly insane ones really, if you probe far enough.

    Some of the stuff you listed, like the sick obsession with “discovering pedophiles” is generally the far right, essentially Nazis or equivalent and mostly projection by them. I’m not going to pretend pedophilia isn’t a problem in any society because it definitely is and has been throughout history, but as you alluded to the right wingers use it as a tool to simply smear those groups of people they don’t like. They call anyone who disagrees with their insane fascist policies a pedophile. They call LGBTQ people pedophiles. Someone just being gay is inherently pedophilic to them. A 35 year old guy marrying a 16 year old girl… well, that’s fine and actively encouraged by many of these types. But two gay 30 year old men have consensual sex… well that’s pedophilia. It’s “grooming” children to be gay like them one day. Why? How? Because these gay and trans people exist and that is somehow a “corrupting” force upon children. No one really explains the gap there how someone born straight suddenly has a desire to be gay because they saw two guys holding hands. But this is the current far right wing obsession in the US for sure. Everything is grooming, everyone is a pedo except the actual pedos, no they don’t count… because they’re right wingers and they want to support them.

    A lot of the other stuff applies across the board though. The US has an insanely backwards view of crime, punishment, rehabilitation. Race is nearly comically engrained into society. It would be comical anyway if it didn’t determine life or death so often…

    I will say on racism though that Europeans, east and west, sure have their own special flavors of it. I mean, the entire Balkans, lol. Call a Serb an Albanian and see how they respond. It’s ethnic division and such, so it’s different, but also much the same. Brits, French, and Germans are currently all working together to figure out the most efficient way to explode boats of refugees fleeing to the EU. They’re all extremely reactionary towards Arabs/Muslims in a way that Americans are towards Mexicans and South Americans.

    I think a lot of times Western Europeans especially like to project onto Americans and act like they’re better when in reality our countries are nearly identical except they have better social services. That’s about it. The populations act similarly, not the same, but similarly. It would literally make me burst into laughter if a Brit or French person said Americans are racist implying their countries are not. I mean seriously they have parties, just like the US, built solely around how best to shoot migrants. So I really do not respect criticism like that from Western European people, although I’ve only had much experience dealing with Brits who are probably some of the most reactionary (maybe Germans are worse, hard to say).

    But anyway, overall, many of your points are valid for large portions of the population and if you expect to find people who aren’t like that, you can, but it’s like digging for… I dunno, a diamond in a mountain of shit or something. Extremely rare. Basically non-existent.

  • Jackson Hinkledink is not on “the left.” He’s the only dipshit along with just open white nationalists, fascists, Nazis etc. like Tucker who “support” Putin

    Supporting immediate ceasefire and peace, even if it means redrawing lines on a map, is not “supporting” Putin no matter how many times the warmonger neolibs at MSNBC and CNN scream about it.

    If your interests align with the military industrial complex, Fox News, CNN, and the status quo politicians who are all center right wing, you should either accept what you are (the fact you seem hostile to leftists/communists is a GIANT red flag on that front. Anti-communism is just Nazism) or, I dunno, analyze your thoughts and figure out why you think endless death and destruction is necessary to prevent lines from changing. Who told you those lines were important and why do they/you believe that?

  • If you want to use this tired and boring trope then at least set it up properly

    One track is full of millions of people and the other is full of the same.

    One track is painted with happy colors and rainbows and one track is painted with skulls and imperial eagles

    You’re getting the exact same death and destruction no matter what, but one track is less openly an asshole about it.

    If you saw what Biden and his cronies just did to college students for opposing 7 months of ongoing US-funded genocide in the last month or so and still somehow think he’s a lesser evil… I don’t think you understand words. Or you just don’t care. If you don’t value the lives of Palestinians, Yemenis, Iranians, Russians, Ukrainians, whoever, just say it, let everyone know you’re a POS, and move on. Stop coping. Accept what you support and stop hiding behind false thought experiments and shit

    Stop yelling at those seeking to better things and yell at the people who told you to hate those who seek better things.

  • Something which never sinks in with liberals (because it might bust their brains, I dunno) is “terrorist” just means “doesn’t align with state interests.” I would also add “and usually non-state actors” but Bibi has been calling Iran a “terror state” so I guess we’re scrapping the state actor part and just going with “they do things opposed to us dominating everything- that’s terrorism!” 2003 all over again.

    I have noticed libs jumping over “unpatriotic” as was the claim in 2003ish towards anti war protesters and landing directly on calling them pro-Hamas and pro-terrorist which is just a zero-mask call for state violence on protestors (and they got their wish). I don’t think the more soft-hearted, mostly “well-meaning” liberals have let it sink in yet that if you call someone terrorist you aren’t only being hyperbolic and stupid, you are saying “this person is an enemy of the state and appropriate force must be used to eliminate them… immediately.” That’s just what it means, I’m sorry. They are quite literally saying “kill this guy!” Why? “For being an anti-genocide terrorist!”

  • For a mere $100K/yr (with 5%/yr raises written into a contract) and a conditional path to Chinese citizenship for me (like I gotta learn Mandarin and stuff) I will happily stream 5hrs/wk forever for you President Xi during which I will only read non-revisionist material to my audience, play only party-approved media including games, and basically dance like a clown for you if you wish.

    Hit my email if interested. I don’t need to post it. Nancy assured me you already have it via TikTok

  • I call them liberals so much and so instinctively at this point that I legitimately get confused when they get all pissy. We should keep forcing it into common American understanding though.

    The term “conservative” as it’s popularly used 1) kinda means nothing (which is perfect for them) so 2) is an ever changing term.

    A conservative in 1970 US politics vs now are very different in their approach and thinking… obviously some stuff remains unchanged, but in the 1960s/70s you could still just be like a Strom Thurmond KKK guy openly denouncing integration and rights for black people while serving in the senate until you’re 100 goddamn years old… literally. Richard Nixon signed the EPA into law which today would be off the table even for Obama, I imagine. It would never get to his desk whatever his personal philosophy would be.

    So their ideas and way of speaking changes since their only true ideology is something boiled down to “support ‘free markets’” or allow capitalists to exploit labor maximumly and use any wedge issues which are beneficial along the way such as racism, abortion, etc. Maintain US hegemonic dominance around the world through soft and hard power, as required, in service to capital.

    On the other hand, ask a hardcore fascist/Nazi or even KKK guy their thoughts in 1960 or today and it’s “we want a separate nation only available for white people…” blah blah blah, all the shit. Their ideology remains the same as always. They believe in racial supremacy of white people, however they break that down, and they want a “pure land” for their chosen race. The more politically savvy ones will swap words around for plausible deniability, but the core ideology is basically the same in the end. They hate communists, they hate non-whites, especially being forced to live around and respect them as humans, they blame all societal ills on non-white minorities and/or non-cis, straight minorities. Same old tale.

    On the left, if you filter out the liberals LARPing (gotta similarly filter the more libbed up conservatives from their Nazi compatriots as well), you’ll hear the same arguments that communist-types have had since the 1960s, since the 1920s, and further back. Because it’s rooted in an ideology, so specific arguments of the time period change maybe, wording might change, but fundamentals like labor being the source of all value and thus capitalists having no right to the value created by others… remains core and unchanged.

    [this isn’t a “give it to the Nazis for ideological purity” argument, btw, to the liberals in my walls. It’s about political terminology and ties to strongly held ideology which American “liberals” and “conservatives” both share in common. Just about the only thing Nazis can ever coherently express is their hatred for non-white people. Beyond that, good fucking luck finding any sense in their statements and beliefs]

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlBiden and Trump are the same
    6 months ago


    One is a boring, sleepy genocidal geriatric

    The other is an entertaining genocidal geriatric

    Your move, America!

    Also I like how libs spend their time downvoting memes here. You guys could just go read your hug box “Joe is good!” memes on the entirety of reddit, twitter, or lemmy minus basically two instances.