Never said or implied that those in power wouldn’t use violence to achieve their goals.
My point was the group in power will always oppose the use of force by those they oppress while using violence to oppress them.
As long as one side uses violence (physical, economic, political, etc.) All other sides have to be ready, willing, and able to respond in kind. No one is special. We are all equal.
The trick those with a monopoly on violence use is disguising their violent acts and then getting those they abuse to shame others into submission.
If there was a socialist anarchist revolution I think “Fred” as you call him would keep his guard up and fight like he did up to the point the establishment killed him. I think he understood that just because the people next to you are headed in the same direction doesn’t mean you have the same destination.
This is 100% correct.
Also don’t discount the economic system working as intended. If I get off the hamster wheel to “riot,” my family quickly loses basic necessities.
Once my best alternative to a negotiated resolution moves off that reality (meaning keep my head down and my family will get through this) more options become available. The system is designed to keep a critical majority on the wheel.