Oi bruv, empty yo pockets innit ye. Gimme all yo coins fam.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • No it wasn’t. Zionism itself emerged as a response to what people like Churchill saw as “Judeo-Bolshevism”. He doesn’t use the word “Judeo”, but he makes his feelings quite clear in his anti-semitic screed titled “Good Jews and Bad Jews” in which he singles out Jewish leaders as being the source of a plot to “overthrow civilization”. Leaders like Theodor Herzl also sought the allyship of Antisemitic czarists like Von Plehve on the basis that Zionism would be a counterweight to the Bolshevik party.

    The reimagining of Israel as some socialist/ leftists commune was revisionism from actors like Ben-Gurion who wanted to shy away from the brazenness of zionist leaders like Vladimir Jabotinsky. Just as in Nazi Germany, the mantle of socialism was simply picked up because of it’s popular appeal. Even the supposed communal kibbutzes today are being privatized.

    Source - Palestine: Israel and US Empire by Richard Becker

  • Most of the casualties that day were military. Of the civilians casualties, a sizeable portion if not majority were killed by the IDF. As the electronic intifada pointed out, the IDF spent the course of a day bombing people with Apache helicopters, and accounts from Israeli hostages and security personnel confirm the shelling and bombing of houses that had civilians in them. This has been confirmed by Mondoweiss.

    There is growing evidence that indicates that Hamas along with the other fighters in the coalition were indeed acting defensively.

  • I used to not follow any people in my party, and not even follow my party on social media, but after everything in Palestine, it’s become crystally apparent that normalizing socialism in the minds of your peers is gonna take a lot on our parts. Most importantly though, it helps to know there are normal everyday people who are socialists. TBF, for the friends in my life who do know about my political life, I don’t tell them I’m a Marxist Leninist per se, but I am open about being a socialist to them. I’ve been able to China and even North Korea-pill 2 of my close friends.

    Besides a select few subreddits, the discussion around Palestine is really awful and alienating. I’ve been attending protests and whatnot for the past few weeks, and I’ve yet to encounter a single person who says the kinda stuff people are saying about Palestine on the internet. You’re probably doing yourself a favor by avoiding it. I sometimes engage with zionists online, but i’m always hostile about it and very unrelenting 😊. Probably not the best use of one’s time, things must be explained. Pick and choose your battles of course.