• 8 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Grapetruth@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldDefenders of oatmeal
    7 months ago

    Nice false appeal to hypocrisy to deflect away from the issue of animal exploitation, and blatant whataboutism. 2 wrongs don’t make a right. That’s a terrible argument.

    “Hey, stop beating kids!”

    “BuT I sAw yOu UsInG a SmArTpHoNe!”

    So as per your own admission (pretty much any device you could be using), that’s essentially unavoidable in the current world we live in if you want to be a functional person. Are animal products avoidable? Yes.

    That said, I bought my phone second hand from someone who doesn’t have an incentive or means to sell more. So I did not financially support any of the practices involved in the production. And only once it breaks down completely, my next phone will be a Fairphone, which is essentially the only ethical phone and didn’t exist when I got my current phone. What’s your next argument? Oh wait, all the arguments against veganism/defending animal exploitation are just bad faith, rubbish attempts to avoid addressing your own behaviour anyway.

  • Grapetruth@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldDefenders of oatmeal
    7 months ago

    I don’t use Facebook lol. I’m glad we agree that dairy farming causes severe suffering for cows and their calves, hugely impacts climate change, and that we need to stop doing it for their own benefit, and ours.

    All of these practices still definitely happen on various farms around the world, especially in factory farming, and the worst of them are the standard practice. For example, cows make breast milk for their baby calves, not for humans. It’s exploitation by its very nature for humans to steal that milk. In almost all cases, the calves are denied the milk, separated from their mothers and killed for veal. Cows are artificially inseminated to keep them continually pregnant to produce milk, and have been selectively bred to overproduce so much that it very often causes them mastitis, lameness, spinal issues and destroys their bodies over time; sometimes they collapse completely. Once they can no longer produce milk, they too are killed for cheap beef at only 4-6 years old when they can live until 20-25. Any exception to this is rare, still involves immense harm to cows and calves, and can’t provide enough dairy for everyone (especially for cheese, which uses 10x as much milk than milk itself).

    Dairy farming is unsustainable and cruel, and the products are unhealthy for humans and contribute to inflammation and disease. Lactose intolerance in adulthood was the natural state of humans for a reason. The lactose persistent gene is an unnatural adaptation and doesn’t prevent the health impacts of dairy.

  • Oh I see, cheese is very addictive after all (casein turns into casomorphin in the body, which has an opioid effect). Just wondering, have you tried vegan/plant-based cheese? I love it. Does the same job as cheese for me, though I don’t have it that much.

    I personally decided that the ethical and environmental problems, in addition to the health impacts, of animal derived cheese/dairy weren’t worth purchasing and consuming it. But luckily we have products that taste exactly the same, lol.

  • This anime doesn’t particularly interest me otherwise (it’s multiple episodes), I already saw the movie and it was just ok. The “vegan powers”, “vegan police” stuff is something I never hear the end of from other people, though. “You get 3 strikes before the vegan police catch you!” “Vegan police!” “No vegan diet, no vegan powers.” “Chicken parm isn’t vegan?! Gelato isn’t vegan?! It’s milk and eggs b-” “Being vegan makes you better than most people” yada yada. That movie (Scott Pilgrim vs the World) is honestly where a lot of people get their first exposure to veganism from, and something they gravitate to whenever the subject comes up. In my experience anyway

  • Grapetruth@lemmy.worldOPtovegan@lemmy.worldThey're hurting my friends
    8 months ago

    To be honest I shared this with vegans who I thought might relate, it wasn’t something I typically say to non-vegans, because in my experience, they make fun of vegans before they would allow themselves to truly engage with the idea of animal suffering/exploitation/killing etc by humans. So I would probably modify my language to be more facts-based and make them aware of the problems with animal farming/exploitation. If I see a living, conscious animal, that’s immediately a “friend” to me and I respect them, so all animals are friends. I hope this inspires more kindness to them. But for others, the idea of that might seem worthy of ridicule.

    I understand the resistance to “appealing to emotion”, but I don’t necessarily see that as a bad thing as a whole; if we’re sure that being vegan is the right thing to do, then appealing to people’s emotional side with how they view animals could be a useful tactic. Perhaps it would need to be less vague however, such as “animals are sentient, complex beings” rather than friends.

    I would argue saying “think of the children” while holding up an image of an aborted fetus might be a bit of a misrepresentation of reality rather than just an appeal to emotion, at the risk of offending someone. Undeveloped, unconscious fetuses aren’t equivalent to “children” or fully formed, conscious humans in the sense we typically understand it (e.g. a sentient human woman who would truly suffer from an enforced pregnancy), but it might lead people who don’t know to believe they are. I don’t think anyone really thinks I’m personally friends with every farmed animal who gets abused and slaughtered as a result of people’s animal product purchases, so I don’t think it’s misrepresentative to call them friends as a general term of endearment for all sentient life.

    But I take your point, I really do.

  • Grapetruth@lemmy.worldOPtovegan@lemmy.worldThey're hurting my friends
    8 months ago

    “Hello my friends” (says to complete strangers), or “My friends over in x country” (where you don’t actually know anyone), for example. Wouldn’t it also work in the human context, even if you don’t know the individuals personally? Just wondering. I’ve heard “friends” used to refer to people you care about simply because they’re humans and you acknowledge their (even theoretical) existence. So why not non-human animals as well?

  • I appreciate what you mean. I wonder what it is about the phrasing. Calling them friends is too much? It’s a term of respect, that’s all. I care about my friends, and I care about animals. Friends not food.

    I agree people are in denial about what they consume and what they do, and it’s so sad. And I think you meant this anyway. But just saying, I think this can apply all animal products, not just meat. Which is important since I think dairy and eggs are the most cruel industries of them all.