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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023


  • Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.ml“Lesser evils”
    3 months ago

    if u carefully read my comment u will notice that i only used the word “good” to say something was not good, because it isnt good, non of it is and thats not what was asked the question was how is voting for democrats any better, yes its not good enough that much is self evident, i never said it was, that was never the claim i said it was better. there are 2 options at the federal level neither is good and again i didnt say either was but if u are going to bother to vote one is better.

    ur response doesnt even engage with what i said at all, pointing out that the measures are half ass doesnt in any way contradict that they are better than the alternative of literally nothing, pointing out that biden is bad does not exclude the possibility that he is better. it is just mind boggling to me that some people can not understand the meaning of better and lesser it is just so bizarre.

  • when liberals say the communist oppressed lgbtq people thing they mean it as a criticism of communism in comparison to capitalism, as in “the ussr under stalin had bad lgbtq legislation therefore capitalism is a better system” this is a rejection of that criticism because how could this possibly indicate that capitalism is better when the failure of communist in this particular case is that they werent better capitalist like they were supposed to be.

  • Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.ml“Lesser evils”
    3 months ago

    we got some train money and the usa is back on the paris accord and they passed the best climate legislation the usa has (to be clear because i know u dont understand the word “best” it is not good nor enough it less bad than everything else), we got some student loan debt relief. a few good things have actually happened that would almost certainly not have happened otherwise.

  • while u can make a case that what the european powers did in what is now the united states was continued by the usa its insane to say that it is the same event as what other or the same european powers did elsewhere some of these genocides are separated by centuries they were carried by different people often from different countries using different tactics for different reasons to completely different people who were not in contact with eachother and they often did this without even known what other colonizers were doing, the idea that what the european powers were doing was somehow cohesive is ridiculous.

    i think ur scale of time is way out of whack for this, for example the peoples of the caribbean had already been complety erased for decades before jamestown had been stablished let alone the colonies let alone an american national identity.

    And also the original meme about the united states not the entirety of the americas it was about what the united states did which israel and nazi germany copied.

  • u can “touch grass” without going outside there are other things to do without going outside besides being mad at the shitty part of the internet maybe try to find new hobbies, there are even things to do on the internet that dont involve social media, or range bait content, watc some movies, read some books, read some non political (or maybe differently political would be better) like science news.

    but besides that u stop engaging with content by just doing it, the algorithms for all social media and content websites just feed u waterver u click on/watch if u just ignore that stuff it will disappear from ur feeds, so just find other stuff u actually like to watch and specifically search for it and ignore “recommendations” as far as reddit goes dont go to r/all just look at specific communities that u like.

  • think about what u said for a minute, representation should not be an afterthought, media should show the diversity of the society that made it or atleast the society its trying to depict first and foremost because it should be something that should not even have to be thought about. “representation” should be the starting position, otherwise u are saying that straight white male is the default and anything other than that would be the producers of the media going out of their way to add representation.