• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Also if you want some interesting soundscapes, I can recommend exploring mynoise.net. They have a huge variety of natural and artificial soundscapes, including a bunch of musical ones that are all tuned to be compatible with one another, so you can mix & match them. They also have a phone app, but you can only use one sound at a time with it. Also not everything is available if you don’t make a donation. I gave them 5 bucks a couple of years ago and it’s one of the best 5 bucks I’ve ever spent. It wasn’t hard to then spend a few more dollars on the app.

    I use them for focus when I’m working, but lately I’ve also used them for sleeping. It works really well for me.

  • Excrubulent@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    2 days ago

    The only thing I will say for “blue no matter who” is that the alternative - threatening to withold your vote - only works if the campaign is aftaid of losing. They aren’t. They clearly don’t care. They don’t want to govern, they want to present only a token resistance to encroaching fascism and corporate domination.

    The benefit of voting the nominally-left-of-extreme-right party in is that it forces them to disappoint their base and that radicalises those people against US empire. Letting Trump win won’t accelerate that process, it will just force people to radicalise in an atmosphere of extreme oppression.

  • Excrubulent@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMcCafé
    4 days ago

    I think it’s exactly what you would write into a movie to make it clear to anyone paying even half attention that he was definitely murdered. It’s so unsubtle it makes me think it was almost a message - we can kill people this brazenly and it doesn’t even get investigated. We are untouchable.

  • Not quite true - they require that you not sell Steam keys for less than you do on Steam. They still don’t even stop you from doing giveaways or participating in bundles. It’s just that your typical prices on independent Steam key sales, for which they don’t even take a cut, can’t be lower than Steam prices. Also the seller sets all of these prices.

    Given they’re footing the bill for indefinitely hosting the games supplied via those keys, that’s an entirely reasonable restriction.

    This is coming from someone who is against capitalism and all IP law. The big problem with Steam imho is that Gabe Newell won’t live forever and when he’s gone the company could go public or go to some fail son who will tank it. I’m not even saying Gabe Newell is a great guy or an ethical billionaire, but he’s been remarkably consistent in keeping Steam’s business model running well.

  • Excrubulent@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldLemmy is the best social media
    5 days ago

    I honestly have no idea what you’re saying here. Is this what 'retell my point back to me" was about? You want me to explain how you’re doing genocide denial, again? A fourth time? I’ll copy-paste the three different ways I’ve tried to explain it and which you have ignored, and then we’re done here if you keep ignoring it.

    I explained how you were doing genocide denial. You said that complaining about Biden is only “sowing division”. So that means that we shouldn’t criticise him for his genocide. Denying that a genocide should be criticised on its own merits is a form of genocide denial. Not all genocide denial is “this genocide didn’t happen”. In fact most of it isn’t. Most of it is politically motivated muddying of the waters, like what you did.

    Pretending that the entire value in discussing genocide starts and ends with who will be elected president is pretty minimising to the importance of the, you know, genocide. Seems like a kind of genocide denial to me.

    Edit 3: The other person arguing is also doing genocide denial, but the oblique kind where you pretend that the only reason to criticise a sitting US president engaging in genocide is because you want him to lose an election. Almost like they’re denying that we should hold people accountable for genocide on its own merits. That is, and I cannot stress this enough, genocide denial.

  • Excrubulent@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldLemmy is the best social media
    5 days ago

    I told you multiple times how it was genocide denial. I explained the how of it. You have failed to even acknowledge that let alone respond to it.

    I guess it’s hard to face the fact that you’re doing genocide denial, so the only thing you can do is pretend I’m being disingenuous. Funny thing is, even if I’m being disingenuous that doesn’t make you not a genocide denier.

    If you want to explain how that’s wrong you need to respond to the argument, but you’re not doing that.

  • Excrubulent@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldLemmy is the best social media
    5 days ago

    And if he doesn’t stop his genocide support - for real, not just a token “hey now jack stop that” - then I won’t be surprised when he loses to Trump, because he chose to support fascism overseas and thus willingly lost to fascism at home.

    It’s fascinating how you’ll continually blame the people calling out genocide support from the white house for them losing, but you won’t blame their genocide support for them losing.

    Almost like you’re not that interested in opposing the genocide.

    Almost like you’re doing… genocide denial.

  • Excrubulent@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldLemmy is the best social media
    5 days ago

    Your entire mindset here is “If they don’t agree with me they must be genocide deniers”.

    I explained how you were doing genocide denial. You said that complaining about Biden is only “sowing division”. So that means that we shouldn’t criticise him for his genocide. Denying that a genocide should be criticised on its own merits is a form of genocide denial. Not all genocide denial is “this genocide didn’t happen”. In fact most of it isn’t. Most of it is politically motivated muddying of the waters, like what you did.

    And yet you’re convinced it’s Biden you should be complaining about.

    Because he is the president and the person in the greatest position of power to do something about it, and yet he refuses.

    Why aren’t you complaining about Trump? Why aren’t you complaining about [whatabout whatabout whatabout]

    Because none of those people is currently the US president.

    Also, the original comment I replied to was about how people are just complaining that Biden is “old”. I was pointing out that this person was clearly deliberately avoiding the main criticism, which is of course the genocide.

    It’s not about getting Biden elected, it’s about making sure Trump does not get elected.

    That’s just the same thing said two ways. Most people who vote for Trump don’t like him much either, they just think they have to get Biden out. This is how the two-party system captures your political imagination and makes you police other people to tell them not to criticise your candidate. You’ve fallen for its trap.

    And the idea that nothing can be changed without system change is actually false. Popular opposition has won basically all the victories worth noting in liberal democracies. They weren’t handed down from the legislature, they were fought for from the bottom up. But if people won’t stand up and full-throated condemn the one person most responsible for the current iteration of this genocide, then he won’t feel any pressure to do anything about it.

    And if he doesn’t stop his genocide support - for real, not just a token “hey now jack stop that” - then I won’t be surprised when he loses to Trump, because he chose to support fascism overseas and thus willingly lost to fascism at home.

  • Excrubulent@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldLemmy is the best social media
    5 days ago

    Actually I’m just pointing out that you’re complaining about something that won’t change.

    The only thing you realistically accomplish by complaining about Biden is sowing division.

    I don’t know about that, I think political possibility goes beyond who will be convinced to change their vote because you told people to stop complaining about Biden.

    Like for instance, you acknowledging that the US is going to do genocide no matter what seems like a pretty damning thing to say, no? Seems like something worth saying. Seems like maybe we should condemn people who do genocide, or are willing to helm a nation that will make them complicit in genocide no matter what, because those are people that are going to do a genocide. Seems like maybe getting people on board with a system change involves pointing out that it is an inexorable genocide machine. And if that’s what it takes to stop the genocides - and you seem to agree with me on this - then maybe we should, I don’t know, talk about it?

    Pretending that the entire value in discussing genocide starts and ends with who will be elected president is pretty minimising to the importance of the, you know, genocide. Seems like a kind of genocide denial to me.

    As for the “genocide deniers”, well some people are just dumb and we have to accept that.

    I’m yet to find a comment section that isn’t full of you fuckers.

    I think if you think you need to do this to get someone elected, that’s actually counterproductive. Like maybe people associating Biden with genocide denial is going to make it harder for them to hold their nose and vote strategically like you want. It’s very hard to imagine the voter who would care about the genocide and yet be fooled into voting for Biden because people kept his genocide support on the down-low. Seems like you’re cutting off little pieces of your soul for the sake of a strategy that isn’t going to really work, unless you’ve got an A-to-B for me on how telling people to stop complaining about Biden’s genocide support helps him win election.