Well… Would we bring back jobs such as producing copper pipes…
We mine it and send it to China and pay incredibly high prices for a product that we produce in vast quantities…
The same goes for clothing and food let’s face it…
We produce enough dairy for our needs, the smae for wheat and wood…
So… We could be auto sufficient… But prices would rise… But jobs would also be in higher quantities
If this was true…Nd I wouldn’t be surprised that he would sya such a thing as… Making profit for the share holders. Is justified even if ruthlessly done…
I remember watching a documentary, it may have been Robert Reich that was explaining how businesses in the 1970’s made profits but the difference between the owner and the employee was high but still within a certain logic. Companies still had the philosophy that you should keep your employees for 30 years and treat them with a certain respect whereas today… A lot of big business are there for the shareholder and screw the employee. They are selfish anyway… Wanting more than minimal salary 🙄
Then again, I love reading Robert Reich… https://robertreich.substack.com/p/the-paid-what-youre-worth-myth
And yet another good article : https://robertreich.substack.com/p/if-bosses-are-raking-it-in-shouldnt