Nuking another nuclear state is a good way for a State to commit suicide.
With the current geopolitical state, you can be sure there are multiple French nuclear submarine waiting off Russia’s coasts, ready to send their nuclear arsenal up Putin arses.
Trust me, he will go out anyway. XD
Is he microchiped ?
I wouldn’t call them dumb. Masochist, maybe, but not dumb.
I’d be broke a long time ago if I lived the US. Good thing I’m French and a surgery for a life threatening condition, plus 4 month of rehabilitation, costed me a whopping 0€.
“Fuck you, you, you, you, and you over there too.”
Congratulations ! I hope the game will sell well.
Tell you ran out of ink without telling me you ran out of ink. 😆
This is a baseless accusation!
Be careful of not putting plain hate for no reason at the same level than an overzealous minority advocating for rightful social changes.
Pepe wasn’t initially a racist meme, but was misappropriated by alt-righ groups. The author tried to fight it, but the damages were done. So the addition to the statistic by ADL is valid, but to be taken with the context it is in.
For reference :
void paw () { throw new PushObjectException(); }
A well deserved for both, unfortunately the ICC does not have jurisdiction over Israel (nor the US).
I’d add to the cons that some of the teammates are inconsistent gameplay wise. Some gets fusion very early, other pretty late (Eugene if I recall it well). Their story are similarly inconsistent, with some quite well done, and others very bare.
For those who never tried it, it is an excellent “Monster Catcher” game with a lot of good ideas.
I had to check if it wasn’t april.
The Steam Deck OLED screen is already barely enough, I can’t see how they’ll manage on an even smaller screen.
Too much fat, it’d be unhealthy.