This is slander
This is slander
This destination already contains a file named “Data.exe”.
Would you like to replace it?
This was very confusing the first time Data explained it to me.
It’s… a caaaake
Sorry for the fake out
How is this so perfect?
Captain… Jean Luc Picard, of the USS Enterprise… Makeitmakeitmakeitso
This fits his character perfectly
I’ve always been curious about commissioning art (various D&D campaigns), but I wouldn’t even know where to look, much less how to reasonably compare prices.
I would watch this.
Oh, I meant the calculation seems reasonable if that’s what they were considering. The thought of owing that large of a car payment per month sounds insane to me.
If I can’t put down enough to get under $250/month, then I can’t afford the car, in my opinion.
Please share it here if you ever do!
Ok, that doesn’t sound unreasonable then if someone finances a large percentage of an expensive car. Is this clickbait?
Those facial expressions are really selling it. Brent Spiner could have made a good mime!
This comment made me realize that Odo’s people aren’t so different from the Borg.
Jesus christ
What a tool
That’s no moon…
Hey, it’s a miracle that I can even speak