I tell terrible jokes.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2022


  • Since no one else has suggested it, I’d recommend “The target is your brain” a Soviet documentary from the 80s, that talks about how liberal capitalism will promise nice things, but ultimately offers nothing to the people, every problem the documentary mentions has only gotten worse since, so it can feel even more relevant now than when it was made. Because it is Soviet, you do need to make sure your gf won’t just dismiss it out of hand as “propaganda” though, it is propaganda, but one of the most important things to teach a baby leftist is to not just dismiss things because they have been labelled with the scary “P” word but to actually listen to the information and analyse it.


  • It’s funny watching them pull this shit in the one place it wouldn’t fly. I reckon a lot of these guys forget that only American libs are gullible enough to fall for their egg monopoly sob stories, the rest of us think of them as the spoilt failsons that they are, mad they didn’t get to coast through life on daddy’s factory money.

  • Yep. There’s a reason I don’t play it anymore. Nothing like having douchebags scream obscenities through their mike nonstop because you weren’t meeting their professional standards for a fucking video game.

    In fact, pretty much every multiplayer game I’ve quit I quit for this exact reason. People who can’t handle losing, people who can’t handle winning, people who seem to be confused and think it is an RTS game where they need to scream obscenities at their teammates to get them to follow their orders. Online matchmaking is a shitshow in like 90% of games, so I usually just don’t even bother anymore.

  • Proximity and ease of access to information about them. They try to tell the same stories about China, but know they can’t be too outrageous, as a lot of people in the west can visit China, or have friends and family there. Same with Cuba. They have to stick to vague accusations of “authoritarianism” in their propaganda, because people can visit quite easily and easily prove the west’s claims wrong.

    Very few people in the west actually visit the DPRK. This means the west can claim practically anything about them and have people believe it, because they’ll never meet anyone who will go and check. This is quite different from the propaganda they get in South Korea, where it emphasises how poor and struggling the north is, rather than making up claims about Kim Jong Un riding an invisible unicorn to work or whatever. The south is much closer, speaks the same language, and a lot of people in the south have family members across the border, so making up claims that insult the reader’s intelligence like in the west wouldn’t go over well. But in turn, it’s also illegal to say anything positive about the north in South Korea, it gets you jail time. So they have to be much more direct in their censorship of reality because of that close proximity that the west doesn’t have. (It’s also a bit of a cultural thing I think. Westerners are so fiction brained that they want a cartoonish villain who does things like in a movie, because they consume more fictional media than media actually focused on reality).

  • Yeah, this was someone who was failed by everyone in their entire life, their parents, the school system, ultimately even themselves, refusing to do even the slightest bit of self-reflection or self-improvement. The saddest part of the Chris Chan story to me is people who actively tried to help them, only to be rebuffed and ignored, resulting in them eventually giving up on Chris. This could have been a fairly typical “lolcow” story, where they just get bullied off the internet and live a quiet life in anonymity. But instead we got arguably the most toxic display of trolling and manipulation ever seen on the internet, all because the trolls decided that this person was enough of an “acceptable target”.