• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I get why they do this, suicide prevention is no joke and should be handled by people that trained for it, some commenter trying to help could cause a lot of harm without meaning to do so and someone that’s not in a good mental space could become triggered and/ or spiral into suicidal thoughts themselves after reading these kinds of subjects.

    That said, perhaps the mods could link suicide prevention hotlines from all over the world (as you already do for different resources on -TherapyNeurodegenerative Disease Support, ADHD, Autism, Fibromyalgia, etc.). If I were me, Id put those as front and center as posible, and as easy to find as posible by those who need it (say, quote it after the rule about suicide, include it in the resources given, maybe highlight it).

    Suicide.org has some great guidelines on how to mention suicide in the media (not the same thing as a mental health forum, I know, but I personally find them very useful regardless when it comes to discussing anything suicide-related on the internet, where you never know who is reading your content).

    And remember, if you or someone you know is feeling suicidal, there’s help out there! there’s people willing to work with you to get through this, please reach out to them.

  • Remember all those posts that sometimes will come up in r/relationship advice or subs like that portraying really vulnerable people that are really down on their luck (“Im a single mom/dad and have to do horrible things so that my children can eat” “Im an abused teen and can’t escape my home” “Im trying to escape a borderline cult” etc etc)?

    Now, Im sure at least some of those were fake to begin with (I don’t have anything against those subs or those stories, but you can’t guarantee every single one of them is true). Now imagine if they could put a little edit in the end “thank you all, you are so kind, I managed to sign up into reddit’s content program, so if you want to help make sure to upvote and leave some gold, it means so much”.

    In those subs, people were already helping out how they could (I would often see people offering to send food or stuff to OPs home, things like that)… so that’s not gonna backfire at all if its implemented.

  • Yeah, I gave advice on some smaller / niche, topics. I didn’t delete the whole thing, only my most upvoted and/or most recent comments (I went all the way to december 2022, and every comment with more than 20 upvotes). Replaced it all with a link to my kbin.

    It was kind of sad reading all the replies that were like “we should put this comment in the FAQ / this is the best comment / this covers everything”. I was very throughout and loved speading what I learned, and it pains me a little the few times I lurked in those communities since moving to kbin and see lots of unanswered pleads for advice or straight up terrible advice being given…

  • I do think protests achieved so much. They made a lot of noise, put spez’s terrible handling of the situation under the spotlight right before IPO.
    And honestly, even if spez doesn’t go back on the API pricing (which he probably won’t), having subreddits protesting and fleeing to the fediverse puts the writing on the wall for other shitty platforms (current or to come).
    Back when Elon started destroying twitter I did not get how mastodon worked, but I do see myself working around it now I figured out kbin (although Im not on twitter all that much to justify switching right now), can imagine is the case for anyone fleeing to the fediverse.

  • Yesterday and the day before I was intimidated by (lemmy /kbin / the fediverse) today Im already more comfortable. Anyone feeling the same, I advice to just mess around commenting and posting, people in here are nice, you’ll get the hang of it if you try.
    Haven’t gone on reddit since the blackout and probably won’t go back.
    Hope more of us join, so far its been fun.
    Although some of the communities I liked to browse on reddit are not yet here, its helping me expand and diversify a bit on the content I usually read, so I ain’t complaining.