Blizzard’s Downloader used torrents.
PDF is an Open Standard, the problem is that every site tells you that you can only open it with a program from Adobe.
Thank you, added it to the post.
I tried to google it before asking
edit: the only result i found was this:
edit2: does this sum it up?
Are there articles you can share?
Danke für das update, vor 8 Tagen waren es noch Klimaaktivist:innen.
It’s meant to be used like this:
curl localhost:8000/?city=Paris | grep Temperature >> TemperaturesOfTheWorld.log
Owned by Shoei Kisen Kaisha, Ltd., they also owned the Ever Given.
Vielleicht vom Dreiländereck.
Macht ja auch keinen Sinn: AfD will Tariftreue- und Mindestlohngesetz abschaffen
Is the person in the corner wearing something like this? :(