Awoo [she/her]


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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • I think morality is just not a very useful metric for discussing what states do because none of them are moral, ever. “We’re doing [thing] for justice!” is 100% propaganda 100% of the time. It was propaganda when the US said it about invading Iraq and it’s propaganda when warhawks say it about Ukraine defending itself. Their real motivations of american policy makers are throwing ukrainian people into a meat grinder because they want to see russia harmed for global competition reasons.

    If we want to talk morality. The only moral thing to advocate for is the shortest possible path to the lowest possible number of lives lost. The quickest end to the war. The liberals claim Russia want to genocide all of ukraine because they know that if they drop this claim they have no way to continue the war, because continuing the war by keeping them armed only costs lives for an unwinnable meatgrinder.

    Advocating for the continuation of the war is immoral. It will cost tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands more lives, will not be won, and for what? Lines on a map? We’re socialists, we don’t care about which bourgeoise state exploits the people, we care about the people. Choosing to advocate for an action that continues the war is just nationalism, the act of defending a bourgeois-state at the cost of lives. We don’t want to spend those lives. We’re not cheerleaders for one group of billionaires (the west) or another group of billionaire capitalists (russia) having their rule over the ukrainian people or russian people. We ultimately want them both gone and want the people to no longer be exploited. In the meantime we want the least harm. The least harm in a war is the shortest end to that war, not dragging it out as long as possible for the highest number of deaths possible.

    And that’s it really. That’s what I think about any argument over “morality” in this war. I think we have the morality position, liberals and fascists advocate for a nationalist position, they care about states and lines on maps more than people. We are going over exactly the same moral contradictions that the internationalists vs the nationalists of the late 1800s and early 1900s went over. The nationalist position led to ww1 and ww2, then everyone lost their taste for nationalism, until now a few generations later the cultural scars caused by nationalism have waned, particularly in america where they’ve never had scars from nationalism.

  • Russia is totally justified in Ukraine

    Nobody said any such thing.

    China isn’t doing anything to the Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

    Not anymore no. They were running re-education centres that had mandatory stayover Mon-Fri, return home on weekends. Those all closed literally 2 years ago now but liberals still scream about it.

    They were saying that north Korea is a lovely democracy

    DPRK positions are generally quite critical and measured when it’s socialists discussing with other socialists. However when a liberal comes in with all their propaganda and brainworms though you get the unironic stanning because it’s practically a waste of time having the conversation. If you wanted the measured and mature conversation about it you’d first have to demonstrate genuine willingness to learn and engage with intent to learn, most liberals are incapable of this and want to talk about haircuts or how the entire country is somehow one big play pretend show put on purely for white western liberals and actually things are so bad because they unironically believe the propaganda from defectors making up absurd stories like they have to push the trains because you lot actively want to believe anything you’re told.

    I’d have the measured conversation about it, but I seriously do not think your response to this will be mature or academic enough for it.

    Sure those are only ideological differences, but they are really big ones.

    Socialists are much further away from you than you are away from republicans. We know this. We point it out regularly.

  • Yeah and we don’t consider protests votes to be Nazis. 2/3rd of the current AfD poll numbers are protest votes btw, 47% want the party outlawed (and among the 47% who don’t are plenty saying “they should be dealt with otherwise”), and 10% of people polled to vote for the AfD want the AfD outlawed.

    It doesn’t matter what purpose a protest vote has if it’s advancing nazi agendas and change in society. People don’t need to be nazis to be influenced by nazis.

    Back to Ukraine: Svoboda has exactly one seat. They can’t really be hateful Nazis people don’t like that, and they can’t go undercover as patriots either because being a patriot really isn’t a distinguishing factor while the whole democratic spectrum from left to right is fighting at the front.

    Once again ignoring all the fascists in the major parties just because their party line isn’t “we’re fascists”. It’s like you fucking liberals can’t understand that taking off a nazi uniform doesn’t actually mean you stopped being a nazi.

    From all I know that could be a Golden Dawn guy hating Ukrainians. The plural of anecdote is not data and that’s not even a plural. Generally speaking the idea of Ukraine as a multiethnic, and naturally multiethnic state, is very solidly anchored in Ukraine.

    It’s a war. You’re not getting data until 20 years after its finished. Multiethnic? You are out of your fucking mind. Pogroms and mass exterminations have been common since the start of the war. You’re not an anarchist, you are a nazi and it is blatantly fucking obvious that you’re here playing games and being a silly fuck. It is a considerable waste of time talking to you, eat my ass and kindly follow your leader.

  • Starfield really does look and run great.

    Run great? Absolutely not.

    I get 120fps in Elden Ring at medium, 2070, 64gb ram, i9-12900k.

    Just got done with Armored Core, rock solid 144fps at medium all the way through, never a blip.

    This runs at 30fps on lowest settings. It runs like absolute crap. It’s incredibly jarring to go from games that are gorgeous and well made with high performance to this thing running like something 20 years ago. Absolutely zero optimisation.

    It will get a seriously negative response from the average pc user when user reviews start hitting due to this performance.

  • They never engage with it because they know damn well that they have no excuse. Rather than engage in something that they are completely caught out on they resort to non-engagement.

    Ironically this strategy of online rhetoric is literally in the handbook from the 77th brigade that was leaked, British military psyops. However I suspect these people just learned it naturally from many bad experiences with how that went for them. This picture from their webpage makes me laugh every time because it’s literally fedposting :

  • And again, all I have done is said that I support Ukraine. I also happen to be a socialist. Why is that so hard for you to wrap your head around?

    Because you don’t support the people, you support the bourgeois state and your position boils down to “I am willing to kill hundreds of thousands of people to protect it.”

    This is not socialist ideology. This is first and foremost nationalism, which variant of it I am as yet uncertain as you’ve said nothing about what your “socialism” entails. I am unable to assess whether you’re a nazi or a plain old liberal that pretends to be a socialist by saying you like welfare while still completely and totally supporting capitalism and liberal institutional design to maintain the bourgeoisie as the ruling class. The german gothic aesthetic you choose for your username certainly doesn’t help the suspicions I have over what you really are though, literally retvrn.

  • In the post-ww2 period we had a long period of people being anti-nationalist as a result of experience of what nationalism and this obsession with borders instead of people causes.

    The current crop of liberals have no experience or connection to this and are incredibly easily led by the ultranationalists into supporting them, because nationalists share a priority with ultranationalists.

    The primary issue here is nationalism. We need an absolutely massive anti-nationalism movement. Anti-nationalism is anti-fascism.

  • Ceding land to a foreign aggressor is not a viable off-ramp. Get real.

    This is nationalist rhetoric. Claiming to be a socialist and yet obsessing over the borders of one bourgeois state over another bourgeois state is one of the reasons you are being called a liberal here. You are a nationalist cheerleading for one group of billionaires to rule over the people instead of another group of billionaires, all while hundreds of thousands of people get killed in the name of that. Meanwhile socialists are out here saying we don’t want people dying and do not give a fuck what borders exist as long as people aren’t dying, the best solution is the quickest and fastest way to minimise death.

    You are defending the state, not people’s lives. You are sacrificing people for states and borders. You are a bourgeois nationalist, and you would have advocated for the same thing in every past conflict. You’re not even a social chauvinist and they were shitbags, you’re just straight up nationalist.

  • Absolutely nobody has said that except you.

    Very typical lib talking point though. What socialist spaces do you get your news and information from? Any at all? Or do you just immerse yourself in liberal spaces then end up repeating everything they say and wonder why socialists all call you a liberal? Serious question btw. What socialist media and socialist spaces do you actually participate in and follow? How can you possibly consider yourself to have gotten rid of the liberal brainworms you’ve had your entire life if you continue to immerse yourself within the liberal superstructure?