And as usual, the top comment related to Lemmy is people complaining about bad UX
Let’s keep guiding them to better UX
And as usual, the top comment related to Lemmy is people complaining about bad UX
Let’s keep guiding them to better UX
I was about 12 years old, I woke up Friday morning 6am for school.
After school my friend and I bought WWE 2007 on PlayStation 2.
We stayed up all weekend playing and only went to bed 8pm om Sunday.
So 62 hours.
The same can be said for NSFW posts, but that seems to be managed fine.
If it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work, but we can try.
Even if only “trending” political posts are marked correctly, it could make the difference between being flooded with Trump/Elon news or not
People tend to scroll, missing the Join button, and then get stuck towards the bottom of the page (that’s what happened to me)
If you click join, you end up with a long list of servers, and decision fatigue kicks in.
I feel it’s better to show users content first, or immediately try to get them to login.
You could use a link like this instead https://vger.app/posts/lemmy.world/local
(The link long “dodgy looking” link could put off some users)
I feel that’s not a great way to onboard people, there is too much happening on the page, and too much friction to get to a point where you see content.
I found a way to keep it super simple when referring people to Lemmy. One simple message
" Try out the Reddit alternative called Lemmy https://vger.app/
It also has a mobile app: https://vger.app/settings/install "
This way a user can just start scrolling, and if they want to comment etc. they will be asked to create a account with lemm.ee selected as a default.
This fixes most UX issues with getting onboarded
Wait what, when did they shut down?
I’m still using them afik
On some services like Amazon Prime you can rent a movie for 24h (or something like that)
You can also “buy” movies, but I’ve seen so many times that they take away the movie that you “bought” and you don’t get a refund.
You’ve got to outlive your enemies
Sure but we should still improve UX
The UX the way it currently is filters out non tech savvy people, so we mostly end up with tech savvy people here.
Lemmy has good UI, the defaults set are just bad and most people will give up before discovering Photon etc.
Something like https://phtn.app/ really should be the default
I think this is still too much info for most people, we should simplify it even further
Something like " Join Decentralised social media like Lemmy (47k monthly active users)
I recommend using https://lemm.ee/ for web. If you want an app https://vger.app/settings/install
Feel free to ask if you have any questions "
I also think it’s important using safe looking links sopuli.xyz
looks dodgy,
I once tried to recommend https://p.lemmy.world/ and people said GTFO this is some virus link.
My mother tongue is Afrikaans (a sister language of Dutch) but I’m fluent in English, in a lot of ways my English is better than my Afrikaans because all the media I consume is English and my job has mostly been in English.
I love my mother tongue and I’m more expressive etc in it, it’s also allowed me to land a job that’s in the Netherlands, because I could learn Dutch really quickly thanks to it.
Both languages have been so valuable to me, I hope to one day expose my kids to a few different languages from a young age
The default needs to be nice, most users would get frustrated and give up before discovering a. Or p.
Which 3rd party app?
The average user needs to be spoon fed, choosing between 5+ different apps is confusing and takes mental load etc.
Everything just needs to work, with barely any thought put in (defaults for everything)
And once they’re using the platform they can change defaults if they like.
Currently there aren’t defaults, or the defaults suck (Eg lemmy.world web UI)
Yea there are just way too many hurdles
Lemmy needs to drastically improve the UX before it’ll become big
That would be great yes
I think a good start is to just join lemm.ee or even lemmy.world
And then figure out if you really want to switch or not.
It replaces a lot of Google, based in Switzerland