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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2022


  • Why would anyone do that? It’s a useless level of abstraction. I’ve never seen scientists looking into the composition and structure of the sun say “Why don’t we apply the ideal gas law?” Because the answer is obvious, the myriad axioms the ideal gas law comes with aren’t applicable in a gigantic ball of plasma. The only reason one would even attempt such an oversimplification is if they don’t see the candidates serving the same interests structurally, and hilariously the exact same in some cases.

    I will regardless offer you a simplified approach, so that you may use it to synthesise your own. It consists of 3 questions regarding policy differences: (1) how has the issue come to this [under Biden for stuff that happened in the last 4 years], (2) how do I really know the other guy will be that much worse, and (3) if there definitely is a difference, is it significant? Let’s use 3 issues to look how it turns out.

    Palestinian genocide: (1) Although the zionist entity has been murdering Palestinians for decades with impunity, the massacre that’s been going on is unprecedented. 35k dead, 11k of which are children, and fuck knows how many more indirectly, as a result of conditions imposed by the zionist entity. (2) Amy argument that Trump supports the zionist entity and it’ll get worse is moot. Biden called himself zionist on multiple occasions, and the most he’s done is to not sell arms to be used in Rafah, not even s stop the sake of assume altogether.

    Abortion: (1) Roe v Wade was undone under Biden. He didn’t have Dep. of Health policies changed to safeguard it, he didn’t withhold funds from states that criminalised abortion, he didn’t stack the courts. (2) What’s he going to do, double ban it?

    Cannabis: (3) Biden regime sent out a note unofficially saying they’ll reclassify cannabis. Not only is that gesture miniscule when they could work to declassify it altogether, it’s done when he doesn’t have congressional support so likely won’t happen anyway.

  • I’m going to make 2 different cases for you never making this comment and if neither have an effect I’m going to ask you to gently fuck off.

    1. The FBI has a history of bullying people into all sorts of things, including suicide. We know from Snowden’s leaks that NSA agents use what’s at their disposal to look up people they know for petty reasons. Finally, OP only described minor changes in their PC, not books on shelves being switched around, which can be accomplished with a lot of software. Put all this together, and the scenarios where this is all quite possible are plain to see.

    2. Even if you don’t believe it, as is your right, this is without doubt the worst way of making that known. This is just one step above hurling slurs and unhelpful to a distressing point. Mockery never got anyone better.

  • STEM folks having low comphrehension of the world around them is very near the bottom of the west’s problems. A much bigger issue is most people specialising in history, philosophy, economics, international relations etc. not having a clue about their field. One can spend decades studying this or that monetary theory, but without reading the foremost critics of the system of economics, or even realising this system isn’t a natural thing given to us by a metaphor-god, it’s absolutely worthless. Studying history without a proper understanding of materialism is like building a brick wall, making massive holes and then filling them with foam.

    Worst of all in my opinion is that westerners can’t differentiate between theory, conjecture and speculation, regardless of education. Something’s only true or false based on one’s preconceived notions.

  • Their approach to game design is as simplistic as their approach to politics or ehatever this moron was thinking. The top 4 best selling video games are as follows:

    Minecraft: Enemies don’t direct you towards shit, they spawn in every direction.

    GTA5: In level design the claim sort of holds up but normally the enemies are pigs and again, they come from every which way.

    Tetris: No ”enemies” to fight.

    Wii sports: You don’t move around so moot point.

    #6 is Mario and that feels like it might be true but then again, the game forces you to go in that direction and shortcuts aren’t advertised by enemies.

    This isn’t my list of best games or anything, but to take a small level/dungeon design concept and to generalise it first to all games and then to life, vaguely, isn’t clever. This isn’t theology dear fellow, your starting position with a western education, some games and 0 books doesn’t grant authority for shit. I know this is just the musings of some kid, but most westerners are uneducated idealists who approach the world this way, and I’ve lost patience for it years ago.

  • My favourite part of the holding your baby fee story is that whenever the photo makes the rounds on reddit or wherever, people try to explain the situation, i.e. relay the explanation the PR department of the hospital issued. The “explanation” is that the regular procedure is to take the baby away immediately for medical reasons I don’t remember. Either the hospital is lying and this was a bullshit charge people with a newborn couldn’t object to, or they really have an inhuman procedure that charges a new mother for one of the most human things she can do. I don’t even know which would be worse.

  • I feel mild nostalgia for a lot of games, but I’ve got a specific place for Starcraft.

    See, I must’ve watched my brother play Brood War quite a lot, because I had 6 images imprinted in my mind: the in-game sprites and portraits of Zealots, Dragoons, and Dark Templar. I didn’t really have the wherewithal to process that these imahes were from a game. It was probably a few years later, when I came across my brother playing it again. I spent an absurd amount of time on that game and the sequel.

    Anyway. Hate the game now. I haven’t got the energy to spend hours every day honing my reflexes for that ludicrous sack of shit engine. I only ever watch compilations of Artosis getting furious these days.

  • AmarkuntheGatherer@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlDemocracy!
    11 months ago

    You’ll have to forgive the copy-paste reply, I answered about the same question on r*ddit. Even if you aren’t read-up on DOR Korea enough to take it at face value that they’re socialists, there are key differences.

    We know for a fact that the Kim family aren’t enriching themselves or exploiting their country’s resources like the western backed dictators. If they were living with all the luxuries of the modern day bourgeoise or cheaply selling ores or whatever resources for cheap, that’d be quite difficult to hide. This is also why the only argument westerners have to prove their luxury is how fat they are in a country with such low obesity rates, obviously not a serious argument that merits a response. I don’t know about Kim Il-Sung or Kim Jong-Il’s positions, but Kim Jong-Un really isn’t in a position of supreme authority. In fact, he has less direct control over policy than most western leaders.

    On the other hand, Omar Bongo (the father) was literally installed by de Gaulle. He had french backing from day 1, he and his family lived in all the bourgeois luxuries and exploited the natural resources of the country to the benefit of France just like the rest of the neo-colonies in west Africa.

    Best way to learn about Korea would be to read up on the war and the writings of Kim Il-Sung. If you need convincing more than clarity, you can read Che and Fidel had to say about the DPRK.