• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Separation of church and state is not in the Constitution. The closest you will get is the first amendment, which prevents Congress from establishing a religion, or preventing the free practice of one.

    I’m with you that religion should not be forced in schools, but you can’t use the Constitution to prevent this particular issue.

  • My power comes from the two sets of solar panels and batteries on my land. It is possible to do without fossil fuels. We’re not there yet for everyone, but the problems you point out are solvable, and if solar/EVs had the same amount of backing from the government over the same timeframe that gas/ICE cars have had, we would be in a very different place right now.

  • I am trying to think of things that are difficult for using something like Linux mint vs my last Windows install. If we are taking about doing a full, clean install of both, I think my last Windows install was way worse.

    Mint installed and just detected everything I was using without a problem. I had to tweak some minor things to get it to display on the 4K TV I am using in my living room, and there are still some games that don’t play nicely with Linux.

    The Windows install, on the other hand, required me to get drivers for the video card, WIFI, and a few other things to get all the hardware to work right. Then getting it how I like it took longer than I like and I had to visit multiple sites to get all my preferred software.

  • It kinda depends on what you want it to do. Personally, I am enjoying the official valve dock. It does all the things I want it to do and I do not need any additional functionality out of it. I have heard that it is finicky with certain types of tvs though, so you might want to search for your tv model(s) and see if anyone has had issues with that before.

    That said, if you want extra features like storage or whatever, then you need to look for those.

  • It really depends on what you are doing and what you are expecting to get out of the experience. For instance, streaming a game from a gaming pc to a Steam Deck or other portable unit works best when the pc is wired to the network.

    But that’s why you would put it near the router so you don’t have to use 100 ft of cable to do it, so meh.