So I switched to a pixel 7 from an iphone 10 xs a few months back, and I’ve absolutely loved it in comparison to the locked down nature of an iphone. So I think to look up material you on YouTube for fun, and decide to read the comments and found that people hated it. Quick googling led to me to find two reddit threads and an article talking about how much they hated it. Personally, I don’t understand the hate, as you can simply choose to have the color be a dullish blue manually.

Idk, it might just be that I haven’t been using android long to care about the fact that material you is being forced.

    8 months ago

    The neat thing about Android is you have a choice. If you don’t like the launcher your phone came with, there are plenty of alternatives that you can use for free from the app store.

    I recommend trying alternatives and seeing whether you like any of the others better. If you don’t, you can go back.