Belarus: I could see CPB taking over when Lukashenko isn’t in charge anymore.

Burkina Faso: Their prime-minister seems to be a communist. Hopefully this means working towards a socialist state.

Cyprus: AKEL is one of the main opposition parties in Cyprus and their candidate for presidency went to the runoff election this year.

Greece: KKE is one of the main opposition parties and they keep growing.

Haiti: There are some revolutionary organisations involved in the protests against the government, maybe they’ll succeed.

Swaziland: The CPS is the main opposition to the king’s rule.

Taiwan: through reunification with PRC.

What others seem likely to you?

EDIT: I remembered South Africa is a candidate as well, the EFF is getting stronger

    10 months ago

    Burkina Faso: Their prime-minister seems to be a communist. Hopefully this means working towards a socialist state.

    Add to this the recent countries supporting Niger in a coup, which includes BF and more importantly, Angola, an already existing ML state.

    I think we might see a ML super state crop up in the region with an alliance of ML/socialist african countries in the NW and west of Africa.

      10 months ago

      While I agree with this, Angola is no longer an ML state, it was changed to social democracy on their 3rd congress in December of 1990. Perhaps it has more revolutionary potential though.