I cant get my Anycubic Kobra 2 with Klipper to print correct. The first mm of each layer are faulty, resulting in a bad tooth in gears.
I tried to slow down the print, tried to minimize/deactivate retraction, fiddled with z offset and first layer height, lowered bed temp, altered the extrusion rate. Nothing works. Everything else seems fine, slim z seam, nice walls, no over/underextrusion.
Anyone got a hint how i could fix that?
Edit: I cancelled that Print, the Problem is only in the first tooth:
the tooth in the marking should look like the ones above it.
I can see that your printer is doing some nozzle priming lines on the side of the bed before it starts the actual print.
Does it retract after finishing the priming lines? It may be retracting too far/not recovering far enough before it starts the print moves, and depending on the slicer and printer firmware specifics, that function might not be controlled by normal retraction settings.