Other creative toys/products that come to mind would be, say, Play-Doh as a sort of children’s intro to…Clay, I suppose? But in this vein without being exclusively directed towards children (albeit I imagine many may be).

Always enjoyed a creative kind of toy to mess around with.

  • Saigonauticon@voltage.vn
    8 months ago

    The CD4069 and LM386 are fun for discrete projects too. Also OPA2132 :)

    The Adafruit and Sparkfun stuff is great.

    Accessibility is not so much a concern for me, I don’t mind reading long datasheets. That’s half the fun for me. I also like KiCAD a lot, I’ve sent off several designs to the factories to make a few units. Was a really cool experience and I learned a lot.

    I’m not a super big Fritzing fan (personal preference I guess) but love Tinkercad for quickly designing something 3D printable.