What exactly is accomplished when corporate culture sits everybody down and has a power point about the strategy, business goals for the next year.

Stuff like saying “our new plan is focusing on areas like key player, resilience and fast resource adaption to better serve customers”. Stuff that seems super abstract and boil down to “worker faster or harder” or saying that whats important to the company are “customers, excellent products and people who make products” but said over an hour and mixed in with corporate jargon

It seems like a ton of work goes into these things but its all not usable information. So what is it that these scrum master project managers and higher executives hope to achieve at the end of these calls?

  • intensely_human@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    I’m now working in a large corporation for the first time ever, so I’m not sure if anything makes sense.

    But if I were running a big organization, my reason for communicating overall strategy to everyone in the organization would be to ensure they have context they need to make decisions themselves, as opposed to always needed to seek guidance from their boss.