I was thinking about starting a new creative project recently. But then I thought - with how quickly AI is advancing, in just a few years an AI will probably be able to do this in just minutes. So it made me feel kind of apathetic and think, “Why should I bother starting this big project now if an AI could do it for me in a few years?”

I’m curious if others feel this way or if the advancement of AI is making people less motivated to start big, creative projects since the work could just be automated by an AI soon anyways. It could increase apathy and make people feel like “why bother?” Am I overthinking this? Does the possibility of AI taking over certain tasks in the future make you less motivated to start projects and learn new skills? Would love to hear others’ thoughts on this!

  • FollyDolly@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I feel the same way. In fact I haven’t painted anything in months. I do acrylic realism, painting on canvas board. One of my artist friends was showing me images she made using AI and I was blown away and deeply saddened. This was good art, all at the click of a button. Why would poeple pay me money for art, when they can get it for free? Just spend three bucks to print it at Walmart.

    • Lanthanae@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      9 months ago

      Maybe people won’t pay money for it. Maybe they will. The problem isn’t that people may or may not pay money–it’s that you’ve placed your sense of worth in monetary value.