Pretty much every day I see conservatives desperately trying to blame those guys for everything going wrong in their putrid way of life and frankly I don’t really get it. You can’t even look them up reliably because every article on the subject is deepfried in paranoid Mccarthy style doomsday talk. I will admit that that particular group comes off as a bit ominous but all the NWO shit is the same deflective nonsense it’s always been: This pathological need for a villain to make all the complex problems facing our society make sense. If it’s not Klaus Schwab, it’s Soros, or Clinton or lizard people.

So yeah, what do actual socialists think of all this? And please spare no detail, I’m in the mood to read.

    2 years ago

    Just more conservative silliness. They need to interpret everything through the lens of conspiracy theories because they have no materialist systemic understanding of what is going on. The WEF is just a get together for some of the mid level bourgeois and some of the more visible faces of empire to jerk off to how smart they think they are and pat each other on the back every year. The real power, the big bourgeois and the real managers of empire don’t attend, and the real decisions about the direction of the empire’s policy are not made there either. It’s just a front.

    2 years ago

    The WEF is basically a thing where neoliberals make proposals about environmentalism, trans-humanism, and so on, so they can pretend they’re doing anything good. I used to follow them on IG when I was a liberal environmentalist. I got a book by a prominent guy there, Yuval Noah Harari, which was actually ok, and helped me understand historical materialism, and the Marxist understanding of religion, when I found ML, but it was also pretty anti-communist, and got into some weird trans-humanist territory near the end. Cons and Fascists hate them because they’re (((globalists))) (Soros is Jewish) and also, Hillary Clinton drinks the blood of babies, of course.

      2 years ago

      Yuval Noah Harari

      I was actually gifted a book of his some years back, never got to it. Is he any good?

      Cons and Fascists hate them because they’re (((globalists))) (Soros is Jewish)

      Pretty sure I’ve seen a phrase “Zionist controlled WEF” somewhere like the ostensibly socialist subreddits