Surprisingly, despite being in the south, most people seem to support Palestine. Except for this one trump supporting guy who screams that Israel is the “only democracy” in the middle east and how the Muslims are “terrorists” It’s kind of funny because just a couple days ago, he was screeching “America First! America First! Stop giving aid to Ukraine. Take care of our own!” (Not a bad thing) but apparently, Israel doesn’t count and we “need to send them more money.”

    11 months ago

    Most people I know either just don’t want WW3 to start or are pro-Palestine. I’ve taken to saying “for legal reasons I can’t discuss this right now” when it comes up with coworkers or strangers or whoever I’m not sure about, which says a lot while technically saying nothing I feel.

    I have a couple close friends that are on the “both sides” bullshit and I just told them outright that we aren’t gonna talk about it until they grow up and are prepared to consider other perspectives.