I spend a bunch of time on spaces for former muslims and there is an arguments I’d like to know what irreleligious people on here think of.

Some pro-Israel exmuslims claim they would rather support a state where people will not call for their death (the same is repeated by some queer exmuslims, Israel even has pride parades they will point out) than one that undoubtedly will hate them even if it might not legally enforce punishment for apostasy.

I don’t support the occupation myself. Something about the argument seems strange (should justice depend on whether a group likes you?) but I can see the appeal of it and I’d like to hear what you non-exmuslim atheists think of it.

  • supanovadova@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I’m not sure exactly what you’re looking for but Jews, Muslims, and Christians killing each other in the name of god, the same exact god mind you, is insane. “My god is better than your god.” “It’s the same god.” So god either is a twisted pervert or any violence, hate, segregation, ill will, harm, malicious intent, and so on is really just humans making choices and pinning it on god. I don’t feel any of this really has anything to do with a god or otherwise, it’s small people wanting to feel big and grab for power.