• AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The game is rigged and the people are too deluded into believing they need their oppressors for there to be any hope. The 3,000 or so billionaires on Earth could be stopped… If they weren’t defended by legions of ignorant “love me senpai” house peasants who buy into the lie that they’ll be let into the little club/climate change bunker for their loyalty and defense of this sociopathic economy and poisoned civilization.

    Humanity will have to learn the hard way. I only hope whoever is left does actually learn the primary lesson of this cataclysm: the dangers of letting human greed take the wheel of civilization ever again. Greed is worse than hate. Greed kills with a shrug and cold, reptilian indifference. Greed doesn’t even care who it kills, that’s an externality and someone else’s problem. People who kill out of hate at least cared about their victims in some way, instead of just seeing them as another speedbump to profit.

    If you let it, greed won’t let go until civilization crashes as it hunts wildly for new vectors of exploitation to try to satiate its insatiable gluttony. It will just propagandize most of its victims to defend it against their interests with false promises that they will personally benefit from the destruction.

      • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Hey, you get enough people together to be effective at tearing down the gates, going where the owners are, and doing what we should have done decades ago, I’ll be there with bells on.

        Instead people will shout “eat the rich!” on the internet until doomsday, and no dinner will ever be served.

        There is a small, specific class of people that must be dealt with to even begin to address this. They hold all the keys, all the cards, all the hard power. Humanity lacks the will. And the owners make fun of people like you for believing trying to reason with them will ever do anything for the long term survival of the species when there’s still another dollar to exploit.

        If you aren’t willing to be a part of handling that problem, you aren’t serious either. They own the “justice” systems that would hold them responsible. They own the media that tell most peasants what to think and who to blame. They own the governments that were supposed to regulate them. Force is the only practical option. One the people won’t exercise out of either rational fear of the individual consequences, or ignorant faith in their oppressors.

        Go ahead and beg instead, I’m sure you believe we can change the outcome peaceably, lol. Scientists and rational people have been for half a century, begging the owners to look at the hard data of what they’re doing and stop for the sake of their own species. How has that been going?

          • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Well unfortunately for humanity, minimizing, reframing, or simply ignoring man-made climate change doesn’t matter. Distorting reality works great on humans, probably why humans are so eager to try it on climate change, but the physics of our little fishbowl are absolute, it is immune our stupid little human vs. human capitalist propaganda tricks we pull.

            I’ve come to find that almost poetic in the absense of hope. All the lies we tell each other to fuck one another over to get a little more than our neighbors, “I don’t have anything” to the hungry homeless person, “raising interest rates to increase unemployment will help poor people” from the fed to the willful idiots, on and on.

            Say what you will about the coming famines, droughts, superstorms, and novel viruses that come will bring our species to its knees, all of those events will be honest. The climate warned us, it was measurable for over half a century, it basically screamed “there WILL be consequences” as the scientists translated for it. I’m positive millions to billions of willful fools will cry and claim no one saw it coming, but climate change, more than any human government or company in human history, will be Promises Made, Promises Kept.