I was browsing the internet and I found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WO0zSStdj8

Apparently, it’s a squad of Russian Soldiers refusing to go back to the front line. The fat guy says they were NOT getting food or water (yeah I heard it), I am pretty sure he is right. So, what are the types of conditions you have to face to get water and food at soldiers? I mean, I can understand them not getting ammo and man power to get rid of the dead. Probably manufacturing problems and it’s dangerous respectively. But yeah, what else? Why would they not get food and water?

  • infinipurple@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Wars are won (and lost) as a result of supply chain logistics.

    One of the most important elements of the war machine is a well-fed and well-equipped soldier. As such, most armies have dedicated logistics divisions to ensure supplies, weapons, and machinery get to where they are needed on time.

    Consequently, supply chain interdiction or disruption is a powerful weapon of war. To interfere with your enemy’s logistical operations is to reduce the overall effectiveness of their combatants and thus their strategy.

    Modern-day Russia was not prepared for this war to last as long as it has, their commanding officers have little regard for their soldiers, and they’ve historically had poor logistics to begin with.

    This makes it easy to disrupt their supply chains, if they were even set up in the first place. Add this to tribalist infighting and a general lack of cohesion and you end up with people going hungry.