Wow, almost as if a lot of people are turning off their phones because the government is tracking them! Shocking!
Wtf. Where’s my check?
Lol, “these protesters have been seen at other rallies!”
I notice they don’t claim the protestors were at the rallies you’re mad about.
Or share the actual data.
They did a Venn diagram of people who go to rallies and people who went to this rally. I think the sad part is a lot of ignorant people will believe this shit.
People were getting paid to go? And my dumbass showed up for free
Wait people affiliated with Indivisible and DSA showed up to a Sanders Rally!!?? That’s absolutely SHOCKING . and ActBlue is funding them?? But then… Where… who’s funding ActBlue? It might be the same DSA/Indivisible people!
Full circle folks, full circle.
/s for the dense. Its totally normal to join activist movements, donate to the cause, and show up to rallys with the other activists in said movement. I have no idea what this twat is on about.
They’re full of shit. Where did they get the data from? Anyone can make up this shit. Show sources, because of someone is giving you this info than that’s a huge breach of privacy.
lol, in the USA you can just go buy it from the cell providers. There’s data aggregators who make a living on this kind of thing.