Can you guys recommend any female Youtubers?
I currently only have Bread on Penguins and Nixie Pixel hasn’t posted any videos for years.
Can you guys recommend any female Youtubers?
I currently only have Bread on Penguins and Nixie Pixel hasn’t posted any videos for years.
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Its nice to support women creators in an industry which is mostly male dominated
This. I’d add that it’s good for us to watch diverse content too.
I love to support women too, I understand and notice that there are far too few women in this field.
If you think about it, it makes no sense. We see women as weaker than men physically. Which explains why we dont see that much women in labor work. But why in tech? Tech is a place where noone is incapable. Everyone regardless of gender, political opinion, caste can be equal in tech
Because for years it has been pitched and enforced as a field for men. Women who do it are derided or seen as other, and women who want to do it are discouraged or seen as misguided. This is shifting, but the biases will need to drop long before the actual balance will shift to equal.
women have systematically been forced out of tech through the years. programmers used to be majority female.
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I am trying to get my wife to learn more about Linux. She likes Bread on Penguins but sadly can’t get her into DT, The Linux Experiment or even Gardiner. Therefore, I thought if i could find more female voices talking about Linux it may be more accessible for her.
I think the only few ones I know are
Nikkie Pixel Mimz Technology Veronica explains (I would say its for 5 year olds mostly)
But dont say guys are bad
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It’s because men, as you are demonstrating perfectly, are really good at being toxic without realizing it. Many women avoid male content crestirs for this reason.
I agree and I watch them myself. I do not claim to know how the female mind works lol
log off chud