And no less furious at the weak-kneed Democrats who do nothing as their own country is ripped from them by a clown.
Republican voters enabled another trump dictatorship, not “democrats”.
Their vote made it so that “democrats” have no power in the house, the senate, the office of the presidency, the supreme court, or the dozens of federal agencies that are now being gutted.
Blame them. Blame only them for voting the way they did, because the outcome is exactly what they voted for.
Their vote made it so that “democrats” have no power in the house, the senate, the office of the presidency, the supreme court, or the dozens of federal agencies that are now being gutted.
Actually, today Senate Republicans needed help from the Democrats to pass a bill to keep the government funded. And 10 Democrats helped them, including Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
It doesn’t matter who’s to blame. The question is where is your nation going, and what are you going to do about it? Are you going to let all the terrible things happen because “it’s the other guys’ fault”?
What solutions do you propose for the majority of the population who are struggling to get by and who can’t even take time off work to protest or contact their local representatives? That’s the reality Americans are facing. Those with the most to lose are in the worst position to fight back.
Any protections that people once had are being stripped away each day. I mean, calling it illegal to boycott Tesla? Calling actual protesters domestic terrorists while hailing those who stormed the capital ad heroes?
When Democrats are in power, the Republicans can stall things because they only have a slim majority and the extreme measures that they’d need to take are unpalatable to 5-30 of the most regressive Democrats. So their majority doesn’t count for a lot.
Overall, I think this is partially just that Americans are pretty regressive (possibly because of all the propaganda, possibly because of our poor education). And partially the successful efforts by Republicans to control local government, which allows them to do things like gerrymander federal districts.
There was lots of things they could have tried, especially when they had the whitehouse. They didn’t because they were trying to believe civilised democratic norms back into existence, or something like that.
I think it’s fair to say that they were trying to be democratic in their approach, and really couldn’t have anticipated that the public would vote again for a twice-impeached felon with dozens of charges, and the person solely responsible for inciting a violent insurrection against the capital. But here we are! 🫠
I dunno, it’s not like the polls ever showed the unstoppable lead “felon” implies. Nor did the problem start with Trump; the angry far-right rhetoric has been slowly escalating pretty much my whole (young-ish) life.
Top democrats have shown very poor judgement, probably because they couldn’t or wouldn’t imagine the stuff that’s happened a million times before in other places could happen to them. Normalcy bias is a bitch.
The reality is, things have been going pretty good for the world in general (minus Putin being a total cunt), especially Canada and the US. And when you consider we all came out of a pandemic in pretty good shape, in spite of trump’s extremely poor handling of it, that should have given most sensible people reason to be humble.
Instead, problems were invented and spread through right-wing social media and regular media. Then false promises given by trump to “fix” those lies.
People were duped, and they voted based on the lies they were fed.
And if elected Republican officials had any concept of duty to the nation, Trump would have been stopped cold after his first impeachment. They should have stopped him cold when we all heard him boasting about sexually assaulting women, tbh.
We can blame both sides all day. The fact of the matter is that enough people voted for Trump, and gave him permission to do what he’s been doing. Whatever course-correction needs to happen will be very difficult and extremely taxing on individuals who now have to literally fight for their lives or livelihoods.
No, fuck this. The best analogy I’ve seen is that the republicans are a school shooter, and the democrats are the uvalde police department. I’m not going to forgive a group thst somehow becomes utterly ineffectual any time they’re needed. This has been brewing for decades. If the democrats were just tooooooooo weak to do anything to prevent it in all that time, what fucking use are they?
That’s like blaming firefighters for not being able to put out fires as fast as arsonists can set them.
Voters are the only reason why Trump is still here. Sure, you can say that democratic representatives could/should be doing more, but aren’t we way past that point now? This is trump’s second term… voters want him in power. As fucking stupid as that is.
It’s more like blaming city council because they refuse to pass any regulations that might reduce the number of fires, because it would hurt their donors in the construction industry.
We are way past the point where democrats could have done anything, and we arrived here because all through my almost fifty year lifetime and before, people on the left have been warning them about the US’s decline towards fascism, the takeover of their media and the dominance of voter suppression, and they’ve chosen to never take any action to stop it. I fail to see why they should escape blame now, after making the bed they are lying in.
That’s like blaming firefighters for not being able to put out fires as fast as arsonists can set them.
No, that’s a bad analogy because the firefighters are trying to put out the fires to the best of their ability. The Democrats aren’t doing shit, and in some cases siding with the fascists.
Republican voters got them elected, Democrats are standing by doing nothing as their country is ruined.
There are no attempts to secede, there are no wide-scale protests or strikes. Their democracy falls while they sit back and fret, laughing along with Jon Stewart and smug in their knowledge they are better that Republicans. For all their much-touted “second amendment” they are idle as a tyrant solidifies power.
I do blame Republican for their actions. But I blame Democrats for their inaction. I’m furious because what I see in them I recognize in myself – it’s a challenge for me to not be complacent and fight for my own country. Because if we coast like they do, we will suffer the same fate.
I don’t deny that much more could have been/could be done. But look at the optics on how this would make trump even stronger:
If you had a democratically elected president who’s being shut down by the minority party, which could be seen as “going against what the people voted for”, and once again trying to “steal the election”. It would justify a horrific ramping up of his rhetoric, and seeing how he released 1500 criminals who were on his side, there would be no stopping domestic (right-wing) terrorists from targeting “democrats”.
In fairness, this timeline is so FUBAR, especially when coming off such a strong economy, highly respected presidencies from Obama and Biden, and relative peace with nearly all allies. In just a few months, Trump and Musk have been undoing hundreds of years of progress, which is unprecedented so say the least.
The States, and the world, are in such uncharted territories right now.
You’re saying it would be a tragedy of optics to try to stop a dictator from seizing power. That if democrats do nothing they can avoid being targeted in the short term, while Trump chases after others.
Yes. This specific attitude is what I’m furious about. And I’m going to work my damnedest to stop it happening here in my country.
You’re saying it would be a tragedy of optics to try to stop a dictator from seizing power.
No absolutely not! And I’m sorry if it came off that way. Trump and his Nazi regime need to be stopped 100%. What I’m saying is that he only needs “proof” in the form of a handful of elected democrat representatives fighting back in order to really escalate things. He hasn’t even started!
It’s up to the 300 million Americans to do something. Take action. If you’re in the military, don’t follow orders, or take those orders and do nothing with them.
We aren’t at this point in Canada, and the swing in our polls show that common sense matters. Republican voters doubled down when the world was telling them that Trump would destroy everything they cared about. They never once unified for anything. Canada is unifying, because we know what’s at stake. Plus, we’ve got way more allies in our corner than the Americans.
And what pisses me off is the calculation that you implicitly state, that by not reacting now the Democrats know they are “safe” because the ire is pointed somewhere else. It pisses me off because I recognize the same impulses in myself. I didn’t think Canada was in danger when the ire was on Mexicans and Haitians and Muslims. Just like they don’t see the danger now.
But when the barrel is pointed at you, you see more clearly. We are today, and the cowering Democrats are next. The longer they wait, the harder it will get – but that’s how divide and conquer works. The groups all accept the evils being done to the current group to buy their own safety, and they get picked off one by one.
And as you say – in Canada we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break this cycle here. We see what’s coming now, and we won’t break.
that by not reacting now the Democrats know they are “safe” because the ire is pointed somewhere else.
It’s not necessary about self-preservation, but an avoidance of escalation.
If Trump was a reasonable person with right-wing views, he would still be able to cooperate with democrats to better the country for the people.
But he’s an unhinged, narcissistic, unreliable, compromised madman, so much of the world is in damage control at this point.
I’m not even sure how elected democrats would be able to stop him. But I can tell you how 300,000,000 Luigis could.
He’s not playing by the rules, so the strategy to fight back is to also not play by the rules. Sure, this can be self-destructive to a point, but sometimes the sacrifice of a few is what’s needed to stop a nazi uprising.
And as you say – in Canada we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break this cycle here. We see what’s coming now, and we won’t break.
We’ve had enough of a warning, seeing what the hell a deranged lunatic in charge can do for another country. I don’t think we’d allow that to happen here, but I guess we’ll see ‘what the people want’ in our Federal elections.
The States, and the world, are in such uncharted territories right now.
Not really. History is full of dictators seizing power and abusing it. And in every case there was only one course of action to stop it. Stop making excuses to do nothing and take to the streets.
Republican voters enabled another trump dictatorship, not “democrats”.
Their vote made it so that “democrats” have no power in the house, the senate, the office of the presidency, the supreme court, or the dozens of federal agencies that are now being gutted.
Blame them. Blame only them for voting the way they did, because the outcome is exactly what they voted for.
Actually, today Senate Republicans needed help from the Democrats to pass a bill to keep the government funded. And 10 Democrats helped them, including Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
It doesn’t matter who’s to blame. The question is where is your nation going, and what are you going to do about it? Are you going to let all the terrible things happen because “it’s the other guys’ fault”?
What solutions do you propose for the majority of the population who are struggling to get by and who can’t even take time off work to protest or contact their local representatives? That’s the reality Americans are facing. Those with the most to lose are in the worst position to fight back.
Any protections that people once had are being stripped away each day. I mean, calling it illegal to boycott Tesla? Calling actual protesters domestic terrorists while hailing those who stormed the capital ad heroes?
The situation looks grim for Americans.
Funny how the Republicans always manage to stall everything when the Democrats are in power
When Democrats are in power, the Republicans can stall things because they only have a slim majority and the extreme measures that they’d need to take are unpalatable to 5-30 of the most regressive Democrats. So their majority doesn’t count for a lot.
Overall, I think this is partially just that Americans are pretty regressive (possibly because of all the propaganda, possibly because of our poor education). And partially the successful efforts by Republicans to control local government, which allows them to do things like gerrymander federal districts.
That’s the problem with playing fair. Republicans don’t, and Democrats have tried to.
That seems to be over, and everyone has to play dirty these days.
A terrible way of representing the people, but whatever it takes to stop Nazis, I guess.
There was lots of things they could have tried, especially when they had the whitehouse. They didn’t because they were trying to believe civilised democratic norms back into existence, or something like that.
I think it’s fair to say that they were trying to be democratic in their approach, and really couldn’t have anticipated that the public would vote again for a twice-impeached felon with dozens of charges, and the person solely responsible for inciting a violent insurrection against the capital. But here we are! 🫠
Is there a rewind button we could use? ☹️
I dunno, it’s not like the polls ever showed the unstoppable lead “felon” implies. Nor did the problem start with Trump; the angry far-right rhetoric has been slowly escalating pretty much my whole (young-ish) life.
Top democrats have shown very poor judgement, probably because they couldn’t or wouldn’t imagine the stuff that’s happened a million times before in other places could happen to them. Normalcy bias is a bitch.
The reality is, things have been going pretty good for the world in general (minus Putin being a total cunt), especially Canada and the US. And when you consider we all came out of a pandemic in pretty good shape, in spite of trump’s extremely poor handling of it, that should have given most sensible people reason to be humble.
Instead, problems were invented and spread through right-wing social media and regular media. Then false promises given by trump to “fix” those lies.
People were duped, and they voted based on the lies they were fed.
And if elected Republican officials had any concept of duty to the nation, Trump would have been stopped cold after his first impeachment. They should have stopped him cold when we all heard him boasting about sexually assaulting women, tbh.
We can blame both sides all day. The fact of the matter is that enough people voted for Trump, and gave him permission to do what he’s been doing. Whatever course-correction needs to happen will be very difficult and extremely taxing on individuals who now have to literally fight for their lives or livelihoods.
No, fuck this. The best analogy I’ve seen is that the republicans are a school shooter, and the democrats are the uvalde police department. I’m not going to forgive a group thst somehow becomes utterly ineffectual any time they’re needed. This has been brewing for decades. If the democrats were just tooooooooo weak to do anything to prevent it in all that time, what fucking use are they?
That’s like blaming firefighters for not being able to put out fires as fast as arsonists can set them.
Voters are the only reason why Trump is still here. Sure, you can say that democratic representatives could/should be doing more, but aren’t we way past that point now? This is trump’s second term… voters want him in power. As fucking stupid as that is.
It’s more like blaming city council because they refuse to pass any regulations that might reduce the number of fires, because it would hurt their donors in the construction industry.
We are way past the point where democrats could have done anything, and we arrived here because all through my almost fifty year lifetime and before, people on the left have been warning them about the US’s decline towards fascism, the takeover of their media and the dominance of voter suppression, and they’ve chosen to never take any action to stop it. I fail to see why they should escape blame now, after making the bed they are lying in.
No, that’s a bad analogy because the firefighters are trying to put out the fires to the best of their ability. The Democrats aren’t doing shit, and in some cases siding with the fascists.
Republican voters got them elected, Democrats are standing by doing nothing as their country is ruined.
There are no attempts to secede, there are no wide-scale protests or strikes. Their democracy falls while they sit back and fret, laughing along with Jon Stewart and smug in their knowledge they are better that Republicans. For all their much-touted “second amendment” they are idle as a tyrant solidifies power.
I do blame Republican for their actions. But I blame Democrats for their inaction. I’m furious because what I see in them I recognize in myself – it’s a challenge for me to not be complacent and fight for my own country. Because if we coast like they do, we will suffer the same fate.
I don’t deny that much more could have been/could be done. But look at the optics on how this would make trump even stronger:
If you had a democratically elected president who’s being shut down by the minority party, which could be seen as “going against what the people voted for”, and once again trying to “steal the election”. It would justify a horrific ramping up of his rhetoric, and seeing how he released 1500 criminals who were on his side, there would be no stopping domestic (right-wing) terrorists from targeting “democrats”.
In fairness, this timeline is so FUBAR, especially when coming off such a strong economy, highly respected presidencies from Obama and Biden, and relative peace with nearly all allies. In just a few months, Trump and Musk have been undoing hundreds of years of progress, which is unprecedented so say the least.
The States, and the world, are in such uncharted territories right now.
You do realize what you’re saying, right?
You’re saying it would be a tragedy of optics to try to stop a dictator from seizing power. That if democrats do nothing they can avoid being targeted in the short term, while Trump chases after others.
Yes. This specific attitude is what I’m furious about. And I’m going to work my damnedest to stop it happening here in my country.
No absolutely not! And I’m sorry if it came off that way. Trump and his Nazi regime need to be stopped 100%. What I’m saying is that he only needs “proof” in the form of a handful of elected democrat representatives fighting back in order to really escalate things. He hasn’t even started!
It’s up to the 300 million Americans to do something. Take action. If you’re in the military, don’t follow orders, or take those orders and do nothing with them.
We aren’t at this point in Canada, and the swing in our polls show that common sense matters. Republican voters doubled down when the world was telling them that Trump would destroy everything they cared about. They never once unified for anything. Canada is unifying, because we know what’s at stake. Plus, we’ve got way more allies in our corner than the Americans.
And what pisses me off is the calculation that you implicitly state, that by not reacting now the Democrats know they are “safe” because the ire is pointed somewhere else. It pisses me off because I recognize the same impulses in myself. I didn’t think Canada was in danger when the ire was on Mexicans and Haitians and Muslims. Just like they don’t see the danger now.
But when the barrel is pointed at you, you see more clearly. We are today, and the cowering Democrats are next. The longer they wait, the harder it will get – but that’s how divide and conquer works. The groups all accept the evils being done to the current group to buy their own safety, and they get picked off one by one.
And as you say – in Canada we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break this cycle here. We see what’s coming now, and we won’t break.
It’s not necessary about self-preservation, but an avoidance of escalation.
If Trump was a reasonable person with right-wing views, he would still be able to cooperate with democrats to better the country for the people.
But he’s an unhinged, narcissistic, unreliable, compromised madman, so much of the world is in damage control at this point.
I’m not even sure how elected democrats would be able to stop him. But I can tell you how 300,000,000 Luigis could.
He’s not playing by the rules, so the strategy to fight back is to also not play by the rules. Sure, this can be self-destructive to a point, but sometimes the sacrifice of a few is what’s needed to stop a nazi uprising.
We’ve had enough of a warning, seeing what the hell a deranged lunatic in charge can do for another country. I don’t think we’d allow that to happen here, but I guess we’ll see ‘what the people want’ in our Federal elections.
Not really. History is full of dictators seizing power and abusing it. And in every case there was only one course of action to stop it. Stop making excuses to do nothing and take to the streets.