Pauper staples for the top 8: DCI Promo Counterspells, Dust to Dusts (the Dark), Mental Notes (Judgement), Snuff Out (Mercadian Masques), Krark Clan Shamans (Mirrodin), Lotus Petals (Promo 30th Anniversary), Boosters, and goodies like sleeves, deckboxes, playmats, sets of tokens, vouchers to print full proxy decks
I’m playing in a Magic the Gathering tournament on Saturday with 32 players, the biggest i’ve ever been in
Nice! What are the prizes?
Pauper staples for the top 8: DCI Promo Counterspells, Dust to Dusts (the Dark), Mental Notes (Judgement), Snuff Out (Mercadian Masques), Krark Clan Shamans (Mirrodin), Lotus Petals (Promo 30th Anniversary), Boosters, and goodies like sleeves, deckboxes, playmats, sets of tokens, vouchers to print full proxy decks
(in German)
That seems like a good prize pool for a 20eur entry! Good luck
Good luck!