Instance PeerTube généraliste, une bonne alternative à YouTube et autres plateformes de streaming contrôlées par des géants du WEB.
General PeerTube instance, a good alternative to YouTube and other streaming platforms controlled by WEB giants.
Everyone threatened by US recently should band together to destroy US auto industry completely. Canada specifically could get full capacity production, by export tariffing materials/parts energy and potash to US. Have better trade relations with China to ensure parts industry resilience for domestic and export markets. European trade, as programmed/predisposed, is fine, but Canada can’t beg for it.
Everyone threatened by US recently should band together to destroy US auto industry completely. Canada specifically could get full capacity production, by export tariffing materials/parts energy and potash to US. Have better trade relations with China to ensure parts industry resilience for domestic and export markets. European trade, as programmed/predisposed, is fine, but Canada can’t beg for it.