Top ones I know of these days are siege, but some people have made a case that dead by daylight is pretty bad as well. Like if any of you remember the Xbox 360 Halo days. I think those would pass for toxic today. What do you guys think? Is the most toxic community out there in gaming?
I’m surprised no one has mentioned eve online yet. Since it has an entirely player driven economy, you end up with thieves and scammers that can steal thousands of man-hours worth of stuff from you and your friends/guild/team
You mean like the heist pulled off in a guild Valued at around $20,000?
Always thought that was wild
League of Legends by far has the most toxic community I’ve ever encountered. I left in the middle of a match due to toxic players and got a temp ban. Never went back.
Better yet, what games have the least toxic communities? Games are so much more fun when people support each other and are there to have a good time.
outer wilds. we basically just want new people play so we can watch them fall in love.
Xonotic was great for me. Had a random player teach me to use the grappling hook mid-way through a CTF.
Factorio. The worst criticism you’ll get is “your factory isn’t big enough, it must grow”
Love the game and the community.
The Talos Principle A community who share book tips on existential philosophy and the meaning of life. A theme in the game.
Warframe’s community is delightful.
FFXIV is very nice in-game, probably the most welcoming and laid-back MMO community
don’t go on youtube or its main subreddit or ffxivdiscussion tho lol, they can be pretty vile
Marvel Rivals, you hardly ever hear people talk shit to the opposing team but everyone seems to LOVE talking shit to their own teammates any chance they get.
To me, trash talking opponents isn’t really toxic, it’s part of the fun of competitive game modes, but trash talking teammates in a game that stresses team work? Why do you think that helps???
I was really surprised how rivals got so toxic. Are you gonna yell at some cild playing a game that is geard towards children? Pathetic. I got yelled at as a solo healer with a team full of dps. I got yelled at for not having a lot of kills as tank. People start throwing games if they don’t like something. Ranked is the only game mode that is playable because of the bot matches. Ranked is also ass because it’s pretty easy to rank up, it’s less about skill and more about putting hours in. They have such a weird ranking system. People think they are hot shit because they are diamond or gm. But in overwatch terms, being diamond would be gold or silver.
People are going to yell at you no matter what you do, and it’s almost always dps insta-lockers blaming everyone else. I main healers and I can get 25k+ healing in a game but dps will still yell at me for not getting enough kills, as if that isn’t their job.
Sea of Thieves. Getting called all the slurs there. Also an incredible amount of hackers (yelling slurs).
Thats crazy you experience this. I have like 1500 hours in SoT, and it’s Rare (pun intended) to even hear other crews use voice chat. I can’t remember the last time someone was toxic. My only gripe is their servers suck sooooooooo much ass, I legit don’t think they have a single employee that knows how fix it.
Do you do open crew?
Maybe I magically attract those toxic people. Could also be my regular crewmate who plays a female black pirate and gets double the bullshit. I have a few videos with us being called the N-word and screenshots with horrible ship or guild names and Rare barely does anything about it.
I don’t play open crew. Only with friends.
Warthunder is uber racist, right wing, anti-intellectual but I love jets😭
Same in Gaijins other game Enlisted. You see a lot of Nazi references in peoples nicknames like 88, SS and variations of famous leaders names and it’s not uncommon at all to see n-bombs etc in chat.
I guess military games attract a certain crowd? How is that game btw?
Lots of n words in warthunder too, haven’t seen too many nazi references gladly.
It’s a buggy pay2win shitshow but I must say the actual gameplay is pretty fun. Although I play it regularly myself I can’t recommend it in good conscience.
Sounds just like warthunder!
Any of the Mobas from their reputations.
Warhammer and Warhammer 40k.
Roblox, fortnight
Counter strike, GTA 5.