I am an esteemed gentleman. I see something i want to copy, i make sure i ctrl+c at least 9 times to make sure my clipboard is getting the message.
I installed a kde machine the other day and forgot about the default weirdass clipboard behavior. Thought my keyboard was broken for a minute.
What’s weird with the KDE clipboard?
If you try to copy commands off the internet (ie because you’re using Linux), Ctrl+c from Firefox, right click-paste or ctrlshift+v into konsole doesn’t work. I dunno why, I just know if you turn off the kde clipboard manager it goes back to working.
Oh I’ve noticed that, I didn’t realize that was a KDE thing lol
Trying to copy some text in a Linux terminal and instead just ending a process 🆘
For real how is there not a new standard for this yet
The third column is my trust level in ctrl+c on microsoft excel
Excel is also the only software where you can only paste something once and them having to select and copy it again
Oh god the amount of times it straight up doesn’t work when I KNOW I hit the right keys
I feel this currently way to hard. Since some days ago on wayland and kde, copy paste between different groups of programms stopped working. Looks like there are hiccups between native installed and flatpaks.
I think that might be the kde keyboard manager doing something.
I had to change some permissions in flatseal, it then started working again. But lookin into the keyboard manager ia also a good idea.
Why is Windows so bad at ctrl+c? Never had an issue until I was given a work laptop running Windows.
It’s not?
in my experience Linux is worse, but that’s only because I stop processes in the terminal lol
other than that they’re pretty equal for me, could you give some examples where you have difficulties?
- Highlight, select all.
- Reach for ctrl-c
- Accidentally press ctrl-v.
- I spent all morning writing that. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
That’s why ctrl-z exists
I use ctrl-s and ctrl-z for occasions just like this.
On that first step there’s also ctrl-a to select all don’t forget
Copying doesn’t have visual feedback, which is the issue.
This is so true. It’s so simple and obvious. Therefore it’s gotta be the right answer
For me it’s usually Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Shift+V
Seriously, why would anyone ever want to paste with formatting?!
If you’re copying from the same doc then you’d usually want to keep the formatting.
Control shift C used to copy formatting and control shift v would paste the formatting. So if you pasted in a word doc or excel you could copy the font style and size from the cell or paragraph next to it and paste it over the weird.
Then control shift C in Teams decided it would call everyone in the group chat at fucking once.
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V. Cut gives the visual acknowledgement that copy has worked
Windows 11 seems to just not work sometimes I swear. Control c that is. Control v always fucking works.
Win10 too. Fucking annoying
I see your problem there.
If Nvidia could figure out their shit on Wayland is be over on CachyOS for gaming but I just ran into to many crashes and such with my 4090
My complaint mostly comes from having to use windows 11 for work though. That I can’t control 😭
I’ve noticed that web browsers have been good at capturing
sequences and passing them on to the right context.For example, if I have a terminal console open in a web browser (e.g. google code, or jupyter notebook), I notice that using Ctrl+C to kill a process does correctly pass through my desktop manager, through my web-browser, and to the console to kill the process. If I click just outside of the console window but still within the web-browser, then Ctrl-C acts like a normal copy command.
Not sure what my point is, other than it perpetually boggles my mind how many layers of software a key stroke has to pass through before it acts on the actual layer that you want.
Always triple tap that motherfucker.
sometimes I use ctrl+x to make sure
Ctrl+v < shift+ins
Always test your paste before pasting into the prod database.
Windows 11 actually killed my trust in Ctrl+V.
Try control shift v. It’ll paste without the sources formatting. I’m thinking that is what is causing us all ire.