How do you join a DDoS these days?
Is LOIC and HOIC still a thing?
Or what are the cool kids doing
This is the first time i see anyone take actual action
I’m shocked it wasn’t Ukraine I tell you positively shocked now let’s watch everyone who reported as such reverse it…
It was about as obvious of a lie as when people tried to say that Russia blew up their own pipeline.
Fuck, I wish we heard more about chaotic good hackers like this more often. They’re like our modern day super heroes in some regard to me.
Every inch is important.
Finally and can’t wait to see much much more
Remember that time Anonymous fought Scientology? That’s why we don’t have Scientology anymore.
Can’t tell if sarcastic or not.
Yeah, Scientology is still quite powerful but they were exposed for a lot during that attack.
Plus, this isn’t the same group of people. Anonymous was never a set group of hackers or anything, it was a catch all name used back in the day to keep anonymity, and then later on a bunch of edgy dorks decided to pretend they were an actual organization
I fucking HATE that there is a typo. 😡
There is no way this is the same guys who went after Scientology, however, I do love whoever they are. We need more people fighting fascism.
They’re based on the AnonOps IRC so it is, technically, the same sect of Anonymous. Although anyone can join and start an Op there so…
Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while
Yes more more more!!
Bunch of anons: DDoS Xitter
Elona: Ukraine did it!
Wait before this dimwit will start screaming of casus belli against an unfriendly Ukraine and the USA will start selling Russia weapons.
The conspiracy crowd believe that Anonymous are a wing of the FBI/CIA. I wonder how they’ll reconcile known persons openly attacking another piece of the government. Probably “something something deep state”
derp state
Can confirm. As a former network support “staff” member I was paid by the both the CIA and the FBI. Neither paid very well though.
Wow it’s been a little while since I’ve heard Anonymous taking credit
Makes me wonder,
Similar to all the peeps 20 years ago in the SETI@home movement, where you could donate your CPU/bandwidth.
Is there any ‘safe’ way to donate and collectively protest on the internet by signing up to a botnet?
low orbit ion cannon and friends were tools for participating in anon ddos ops back in the day, but it wasn’t exactly safe – without a vpn your isp and other intermediaries can see your traffic, and the host can see your ip address. with a vpn you’re in part dosing your vpn, depending on the attack
no idea how anon organizes such things these days