I would very much recommend steering away from these lifetime deals. It’s not a sustainable business model and will lead to unhappy times very fast.
The math doesn’t math.
They’ll come up with other upselling possibilities, when need be. Also they must have made a calculation for this offer. If I trust them with my data, I trust them with using the calculator.
I can assure you, the calculations don’t make sense. They need several copies of the data you’re storing, spend electricity to keep the data available, pay for internet connectivity and bandwidth. Not to mention they need humans to maintain these systems.
And to do this for 99 years? After 5 or so years you’re losing them money and unwanted customer, a liability.
But, everyone can make their own decisions on how they store data, if you’re happy with them, there’s nothing wrong with that!
I am here just to heed a warning on not blindly trusting these deals from any company, as these have been proven time and time again to not last for many years. Ponzi schemes will eventually collapse.
They’ll end the lifetime offer eventually. It is limited in time. At least that is what I thought.
FYI, E2EE is sold as an add-on and only works within one specific folder.
Solid offer in terms of price (lifetime = 99 years).
You might want to watch out for their encryption procedures. Client side encryption is an additional subscription/one-time-payment and it is not really clear how the serverside enrcyption works.
Also: unless you check the box for European hosting, a backup will be sent to a cloud in Texas.
No matter what they might claim, lifetime really means the lifetime of the company. If they go out of existence in five years, so does your lifetime plan.
Obviously. Like with any company.
I can recommend Hetzner Storage Share. Its a managed Nextcloud solution, runs smoothly. I am very happy with it for >1 year. Also very cheap.
I self hosted NC before, but I wont waste my time on performing updates anymore.
“Based in” often means they just have an address in the Canton of Zug (the Swiss Delaware) for tax purposes. According to Wikipedia they operate from Bulgaria. Which still is Europe but doesn’t sound so marketable.
My brother is using this and is quite happy with it. I personally went for a hosted Nextcloud on Hetzner for 5€/month for 2tb, sharing it and the costs with a few friends.
Edit: Oops, it’s “only” 1tb https://www.hetzner.com/storage/storage-share/