Huh, it looks like the hurricanes seem to move in a mostly east-west direction.
I think a better question is why are the northern hemisphere hurricanes so much more feathery and beautiful than those raggedy ass southern hemisphere hurricanes and tropical storms.
Because there are way more in the northern hemisphere I assume ? Probably due to greater differential between water and air temp in general in the northern hemisphere due to currents and shit
A yo mama joke that only works with this context:
Yo momma’s ass so fat, no hurricane dares to cross her ass crack.
Oh man, I didn’t realize that Oman got hit by tropical storms.
That’s because when they cross the equator they become cyclones
Im certain that’s because of tornado related physics and things. 👍
I’m guessing it’s because they rotate in different direction in the northern and Southern hemisphere.
So crossing would imply switching direction, which would require to put that energy “somewhere” and it’s physically not possible.
That one little fella in South America - must have been confusing as fuck for them.
Is the only one Brazil ever recognized as a hurricane. But it’s believed that they happen every once in a while, they are just not classified correctly.
Why wasn’t it recognised as a cyclone? Was it spinning backwards?
As a hurricane, not as a cyclone. There’s a minimum intensity necessary to get classified as a hurricane.
(I’ve written cyclone by mistake, and changed the comment. You may be reading an older version of it.)
Not only is NZ on this map but it’s not even way off in the corner!
Front and center!
The Coriolis Force |
really interesting. what’s the reason why?
Stole explanation from r/ELI5:
When you stand on the north pole how fast are you moving relative to the earth’s core?
Zero, you just spin around in place once every 24 hours.
When you stand on the equator how fast are you moving?
1000mph, you have to circumnavigate the earth in a day.
This difference doesn’t matter much when you throw a baseball, but it absolutely matters when you’re a storm the size of a country. > This disparity in relative speed rotates the storm since the equatorial side is moving faster than the polar side, and it provides the swirling structure of the hurricane.
But here’s the problem - storms in the north spin counter-clockwise and storms in the south spin clockwise.
That means to cross the equator you have to stop and reverse direction. That’s not happening, and hurricanes never track near the equator because neither the storm itself nor the prevailing winds that push it around can approach this reversal boundary.
If you’ve ever heard of sailors talking about ‘the doldrums’ the calm bit is the doldrums.
I’m going to say the Coriolis effect but… I don’t know?
Hats off to the little guys here and there who came close…