This is amazing. I have a question though: How come only the author woodpecker can remove the acorns but not other woodpeckers? What kind of ID tech are these guys using?
They jam the acorn in hard enough that you have to break the acorn to get it out. If they put it in too small a hole, though, it breaks and rots. Too big a hole and they get taken.
This is amazing. I have a question though: How come only the author woodpecker can remove the acorns but not other woodpeckers? What kind of ID tech are these guys using?
They jam the acorn in hard enough that you have to break the acorn to get it out. If they put it in too small a hole, though, it breaks and rots. Too big a hole and they get taken.
EDIT: clearly didn’t read closely enough. PBS says that woodpecker families run security on their stashes. So they basically just attack anybody who tries stealing. So I guess the ID tech is ‘eyes’.
‘patrols and batons’ classic
Since they don’t have fingerprints they ID the pecker.