Ftr, this is the guy:
Wow. The first 3 minutes were impressive. Every sentence packed with cynicism, yet clear, factual, realistic. A fresh wind clearing the stale air in my mind (poisoned by doomscrolling).
(He looks like Nosferatu btw)
He clearly and unequivocally outlined why any future president will have a difficult time restoring alliances with the EU.
This is Putin’s goal. That is his end game. Trump is pushing us to World War 3 and we’re on the wrong side.
Russian lawmaker Oleg Morozov in Russian state media: “Trump is keeping all of his promises” (Invidious link, 5 min video, the statement comes at ~3 min)
I’m not saying he isn’t a Russian asset, but the Russians obviously have every interest to support that narrative. As usual I wouldn’t believe anything coming out of Moscow
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Trump is still doing what America has always done: undermine and over throw democracy, commandeer natural resources. Threaten those who don’t comply.
Ask anyone in South America .
But I would never have imagined them doing this to themselves.
Absolutely right. This is What it is actually.
Gods, if only we had politicians here as blunt as that. What a wonderful speech.
Merci, Senator Malhurst. That was truly moving.
Yes, and kissing a traitor’s ass doesn’t help.