Have you ever taken the time to really appreciate the jizz of a woodcock?
Jeneral impression, zize and zhape
I will never forget my fil happily telling the family he saw some great tits in the garden that morning.
A good laugh was had
Ornithologists must have been very horny when they named those birds.
English :D
Hehehe. Amazing birb names. There was a woodcock in my parents yard one winter. It was so cute! Took us a couple of minutes to figure out what bird it was, we’d never seen it before. It was so busy out there. First it completely flattened itself like a dead leaf when it saw my dad, then when it felt safe, it started fanning it feathers out like a miniature turkey and rotating, it did a little display. (Not sure if it was a mating dance or something else but very cute.) We didn’t see it do the walk. But ever since that encounter and after learning they do a little jiggling dance when they walk (via youtube), they are one of my favourite birds now.
Awesome! I love the Great Tit!
Biggus Dickus