I would definitely be in favor of France taking the US’s place on the world stage. They’re a more appropriate leader of the free world anyway
All these tuff guys had 3 years to do something and they just sat back and counted their money.
I know he did some shitty stuff domestically, but hes one of the biggest eurobros.
Agreed. I’d like to see him in Von der Leyen’s job once she’s out.
I can’t take her seriously, the EU needs a strong face and she’s not doing it for me. This isn’t a woman VS man thing, I thought Merkel was tougher than Scholz to be fair.
It’s mostly a she’s-corrupt-and-shouldn’t-hold-any-public-office thing.
VdL was the Defense Minister in charge when the German military lost several subs to lack of maintenance from their ultimately not so big fleet in the first place.
She is definitely not the person who should be there, as she seems more interested in pushing through Chat Control than doing any kind of serious policy on Russia.
Doesn’t make a lot of sense though, she’s in control right now and under her a lot has been done.
Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s doing a huge amount of garbage. But it’s not like she’s incompetent.
i meeeeean idk much about french politics, but from everything i heard the biggest shit show was the pension thing, and that was more an individuals being annoyed about getting less, but the pension situation was unsustainable so they either do something or it all imploded and macron tried to do something and people hated it because it effected them personally but now they’ve still got to deal with it and it’s just getting worse?
He’s consistently been the president of the wealthy, he could have chosen to make wealthy pensioners take some of the financial burden but decided to put it all on the working population.
He also deleted a wealth tax, consistently slashed benefits for unemployment and social minimums.
On a personal level, he’s had too many dealings with quite a few people implicated in criminal scandals (Sarkozy, notably) to be clean.
All that to say, I can appreciate his talks about Europe, but he’s not been a good president for the french workers, and it’s likely to lead to the far right being in control in a couple years, which could be a disaster for said European project.
ahah righto well yeah that’s all super shit
Nothing has to change as long as France is willing to end the world for Finland and Russia believes they’ll do it.
They should oopsie whoopsie give Ukraine one. Seems fair since Ukraine only gave theirs up in exchange for American protection.
Just having one would be more dangerous then having none. It’s not enough for actual deterrence but it is enough for Russia to “justify” using its arsenal against them.
Oops, here’s a couple dozen, looks like we mistakenly labeled a shipment.
Say it fell out of the plane.
The Americans have lost a few over the years.
Us too plz?
I’m sure we’ll give you guys whatever you want in return, shit’s getting really scary here in Canada.
We have a good chunk of the technology. We should eventually build our own. After all, India built their nuclear weapons from Canadian tech.
On May 18, 1974, India shocked the world by conducting a test A-Bomb explosion it called 'Smiling Buddha. ’ The nuclear explosive was plutonium, obtained from a ‘peaceful’ research reactor – a gift from the Canadian government in 1956.
Yeah, but proliferation is bad, basically. The more nations have nukes the harder it is to not use them.
That being said, we already have the CANDU reactors in Ontario churning out plutonium that we just bury. I’ve heard it estimated we could have bombs in like 3 months if we wanted.
As someone working in the field, that’s what makes everything happening the biggest US policy blunder ever. The NPT is dead in the water and it was completely preventable.
Frogs being based as always.