Tech billionaire and close adviser to President Donald Trump, Elon Musk, is lending his voice to encourage the pardon of former police officer Derek Chauvin, who killed George Floyd in May 2020.
a federal pardon by the diaper only moves his residence from a federal facility in arkansas back to a state facility in minnesota–where he does not want to be, as he’s sure to run into inmates he uh… has ‘previously met’. that may have been a factor in his decision to plead guilty to the federal civil rights charges–so most or all his time served ends up in federal custody instead.
This is a distraction by Musk to pump the outrage-meter while he keeps on breaking shit. He doesn’t really care about Chauvin except as a fellow fascist.
Poor Derek Chauvin. He went through all those grueling weeks of training to become a police officer so he could murder people with impunity, and the woke mafia stole that dream from him.
Does a pardon mean release from prison?
Because he’s probably safer in prison.
real sick of 4chancellor musk
Can someone take one for the team already?
Shapiro and Musk: rewriting tragedy into propaganda, one pardon petition at a time.
How is it possible that this is the only thing the democrats seem to care about? Yet they seem fully complacent with Trumps destruction of the US economy, democracy and international relationships?
If you think that this is the only thing that Democrats care about then you clearly have your eyes closed.
Well open my eyes then, show me the riots or other major actions that I apparently fail to see.
Sure the democrats do not like whats happening, but they are too complacent to do anything about it.
Holy shit. Go away.
You know I’m right
On the one hand, they have nothing left. They have been voted our of everything. Can’t really be heard or do anything then.
On the other hand, I do indeed find the lack of uprising weird. No street protests, no government buildings being ransact, no police officers being killed, flags everywhere… oh. Like a reverse 6th of Januari.